Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Flicker?

one who flicks a joey (baby kangaroo) off of its mother, during its ascent to the pouch, from the vagina. at only one month old, a miniscule kangaroo fetus leaves the vagina and climbs towards the pouch. the "flicker" is a fetishist who swipes the shrimp sized joey away from the mothers body during its climb in order to obtain joy and satisfaction. it is a very dangerous fetish, because the mother kangaroo could beat the shit out of the flicker.

during a sight-seeing tour down under, i caught a flicker red-handed. he was trying to collect the fetal joey in order to broil and eat it.

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Flicker - meme gif

Flicker meme gif

Flicker - video


Flicker - what is it?

A man who adjusts himself all day at work with the hope that no one saw

You are suck a flicker. Dude, leave it alone!!

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What does "Flicker" mean?

A person that automatically flicks on every light they pass while walking into the office, regardless of the proximity of his or her desk to the light in question.

"I prefer to work with the lights off because the ambient light is sufficient, but a flicker just walked by and turned all the lights on, despite the fact that his office is two floors up and these lights have no effect on him."

"I hate flickers!"

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Flicker - what does it mean?

a persons tongue; a person flicks their tongue on an erect penis.

When she used her tongue as a flicker tonight it turned me on

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Flicker - meaning

A male fluffer named Sam.

That guy works as a flicker.

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Flicker - definition

A flicker is a man that suffers from LDS (little dick syndrome) to such a severe degree that he must flick the last few drops of pee off his member because it is to short to shake.

A flicker is when a man is done pissing in the urinal he has to flick the last few droplets into the urinal, because his penis is to short to shake. This creates a problem, when he flicks the droplets it never makes it into the urinal, but falls to the floor creating the famous random pool of piss.

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Flicker - slang

A ROBLOX game developed by JJ Studios where there is a murderer, medic, psychic, muffin man, two twins, and survivors. The name of the game is to figure out who the murderer is while a person is being murdered each round unless they are saved by the medic. Flicker is commonly known as the best ROBLOX game on the platform. Flicker also has the best fan base on ROBLOX. We stan.

I was the murderer in Flicker, but I was voted out after I killed Chlorine.

👍37 👎15


Someone who 'flicks the bean'. i.e a woman who masturbates or flicks her clitoris

Often an equivalent to the word "wanker"

woman to man: "you're such a wanker"
man: "yeah well you're a flicker"

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A turn signal. The mexicans term for a turn signal

Dudeing he didn't use his flicker.

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The remote control to the television, more used on the east coast

Hey Pass the flicker for the tv.

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