Definder - what does the word mean?

What is February 8th?

National: Tell one of your secrets to your bestfriend & ask out your crush!

Emma: I really really like you Xavi...

Xavier: Isn't it February 8th?

Emma : yea.. you are my bestfriend n my crush

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February 8th - video


February 8th - what is it?

The day when the worlds most beautiful human is born, funny too

1)You were born on February 8th?

1) Will you marry me?

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What does "February 8th" mean?

National BIG BRAIN day, if you are born on February 8th you have higher than average IQ at least 2000 points, and you are probably DUMMY THICC
congrats buddy

Sara : damn he's born on February 8th? He must be really hot then

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February 8th - what does it mean?

February 8th is a day when supreme crackheads are born

Gabby: *doing β€œcrackhead” stuff*
Tyler: β€œwhat’s wrong with her?”

Prisha: She was born on february 8th,she’s a supreme crackhead.

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February 8th - meaning

Give your girl a hoodie day. This is very important cause it shows that she’s YOUR girl. ( bonus points if it had your name / last name on it )

β€œ OMG it’s February 8th, I must give my
Girl a hoodie!”

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February 8th - definition

They are a tomboy but a little girly, a crackhead but a loyal and loving person. If your bf/gf was born on this day you are very lucky to have them. They are also dumb and beautiful/handsome everyone will be jealous if your with them. (also they are kinda loud)

Your so lucky to have them born on February 8th I wish I had someone like that.

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February 8th - slang

National annoy your friend day.

It's February 8th, get ready to be annoyed.

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February 8th

If you were born on February 8th You are the most beautiful,smart and HOT πŸ₯΅ AF person ever anyone who dates you is lucky probably the most lucky person in the world

It’s my birthday on February 8th

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February 8th

Rat ass smacking day

February 8th is just the absolute best day to smack a rats ass (metaphorically or not who knows)

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February 8th

People who are born on February 8th are the most beautiful. they try to find the best in people and are very humorous and laugh at a lot. They are usually SEX GODS And very thick.They care about their loved ones most and have the hottest bf/gf, If you know someone who’s born on February 8th then don’t loose them

Jason:Shes so perfect

Nicole:She was born on February 8th

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