Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fauxbo?

A trustfunder who pretends he/she is poor by taking on what he/she perceives as downmarket accoutrements, lingo, etc. Goes beyond "slumming it," as the appearance/manner/speech matches the environment in which the "slumming" plays out. In extreme cases, may manifest itself as a street musician playing for change, a runaway sleeping in doorways, or Muffy the stripper.

Usually a phase in which apathetic and/or nihilistic rich kids indulge themselves until Daddy or Mummy snaps them out of it with a threat to disinherit/cut off funds.

She's more like from Bedford Hills than BedStuy. The girl's a fauxbo!

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Fauxbo - video


Fauxbo - what is it?

A person who lives next to the tracks but never rides the train. Usually an artist in suburbia, the fauxbo spends large amounts of time in freight yards tagging trains and flattening pennies. A fauxbo lives in a warehouse, dresses like a conductor and is frequently holding an open container. The first fauxbos came from Trampa Florida and were an art collective that squatted at Rat Soap.

He ain't beat, that fauxbo.

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What does "Fauxbo" mean?

-someone posing as a hobo for a project, "learning experience" or to prove a point

-trying to play the role of a hobo, but failing

-ridding oneself of shelter, clean clothes and food....but keeping the laptop for blogging purposes

-panhandling via Twitter, Facebook, Myspace or any other social networking site on the interwebs

Don't give that fauxbo your money, he's just gonna waste it on Starbucks

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Fauxbo - what does it mean?

1 : a migratory worker who frequent most large west coast cities asking for "quarters to make a phone call" or "money for bus fare/hamburger" or "help for sick one eyed dog" or (the honest approach) "my mom grounded me so and i ran away from home, i just need to get high"

2 : a FAKE homeless vagabond who, on a good day of panhandling, will rake in more money than you made working at your suffocating desk job.

fauxbos are usually wearing designer punk clothing worth more than anything in your own raggity wardrobe.

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Fauxbo - meaning

A fake bohemian. Someone who dresses in attire typical to the bohemian lifestyle; someone who purposefully assumes the appearance of being nontraditional, artsy, and/or poor, but does so for fashion or personal appearance purposes only.

Wow, that guy in the Porsche with the flannel plaid shirt, horn-rimmed glasses, torn jeans, and beaten-up converse tennis shoes is such a fauxbo.

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Fauxbo - definition

1. A fake hobo, for fashion's sake or to make statement. Someone who dresses or talks or acts like they're homeless, when in fact they're not.

2. Someone pretending to be homeless to get money.

1. Mat Devine is such a fauxbo. Look's goddamn hot though.

2. Don't give that jack your change, he's blates a fauxbo.

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Fauxbo - slang

A combination of the words "faux" and "hobo" - a person of sound financial means, whether by their own employment of outside funds, who chooses to take on the appearance and level of hygiene of a vagrant or otherwise homeless individual.

"That outdoor music festival was a total fauxbo convention."

"This used to be a decent coffee shop before it was overtaken by fauxbos."

"That fauxbo deeps his iPhone lodged in his dreadlocked beard."

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Noun:Fauxbo (fobo)
1. a man with whom somebody has a romantic or sexual relationship that is not genuine or real.
2. fake boyfriend

1. to charm a woman with romantic or sexual tension that is neither genuine nor real.

1. "Every woman has that perfect man in their mind,for them they walk with a strut, tilt their heads with a laugh and are insationable flirts, that perfect man is her Fauxbo."

2. "Wendy was never happy with her boyfriend because he could never compare to that perfect Fauxbo in her mind."

3. "she flirted with her Fauxbo behind the counter every day when she went into the coffee shop."

4. "She spent hours shopping for a special dress because she knew she was going to see her Fauxbo at her high school reunion."

5. "Those two seem like a couple, is that her boyfriend?, No it's just her Fauxbo."

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