Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Farva's?

(Verb) To radically misspell a word to such an extent that the results are humorous.

He really Farvaed that word when he turned 'sarcastic' into 'sarctic'.

👍49 👎47

Farva's - meme gif

Farva's meme gif

Farva's - video


Farva's - what is it?

highway patrol from vermont,f-in hilarious

"i dont want a large farva, i want a god damn litre of cola"
"license and registration, chicken f*cker"

👍51 👎43

What does "Farva's" mean?

A large male, 20-30. Under the impression that facial hair is cool, Styx is still together, and has a miserable temper. Truly a sad character, trying to fit in with a group.

Bradley Wirsing, "Big" Pete, Santa Claus, Jon Poppler (1995 without the facial hair), All of the fat "Lil' Homies", Jared from Subway (pre-Millenium), Bradley Wirsing, and Bradley's Dad.

👍53 👎45

Farva's - what does it mean?

An officer of the law, who likes to indulge in mischief, usually without due regard for his fellow officers; especially at parties where he likes to consume alcohol to the point where he "thinks" he is funny and having a good time. This activity is always the opposite as he actually acts idiotic and gets into fights that he cannot win.

Hey Farva, you better stop that shit or you are going to get your ass kicked!

👍69 👎39

Farva's - meaning

French for: Give me some cola before I break your fucking legs.

Burger King: Where all dragon masters eat

👍83 👎49

Farva's - definition

1. A guy in Super Troopers. A big dumb fatass who is really very sad, in a hilarious sort of way.

2. One of those friends who isn't really your friend...he just sort of hangs around you and takes your cheeky shenanigans way too far to be funny anywhere but in Super Troopers.

1. "I don't wanna large Farva. I want a goddamn liter o' cola!"
"Say it! Say Car Ramrod!"
"Pfft. I can say 'meow'...I can say 'moo'. Hell, for 20 bucks, I'll call the guy a chicken fucker!"
"License and registration, CHICKEN FUCKERS! BGAWWWW!!!"

2. Guy #1: Hey, maybe we could TP the prof's house...
Guy #2: No man, we should fuckin' TP his house, then screw his wife, then wrap his children in Ace bandages and dangle them out the windows!
Guy #1: Um, no, that wouldn't be funny.
Guy #2: Fuck yeah it would! I'm gonna go!
*runs off alone*
Guy #1: He is such a Farva.

👍69 👎33

Farva's - slang

Someone who annoys people around them, invites themselves to events when not invited, cannot walk with a cast properly, and is unimaginably fat.

Man, look at that guy with the leg cast. He walks like a dumbass. He's such a farva

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Everyone's favorite dumbass officer.

"Oh shit I got you good you fucker!"
"I just lost a myself."
"I'm not gonna dignify myself with a response to that.

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Crazy annoying fat guy in the movie "Super Troopers"

"Car Ram-rod"

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Over-weight jackass in "Super Troopers"
"Total Fuck-head"

"Sing it again rookie biatch!"
"Lady in blue...comin' through"
"It stinks like ass but i'll sure miss it. I guess you could say that about all my women..."
"Want me to punch-i-size your face, for free?"
"Lucky guess...I just lost a myself!"
"What's that all about, he gonna spit in it now?"
"Yeah, gimme a liter a' cola"
"I dont want a large farva, i want a god-damn liter a' cola!"

👍483 👎123