Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fam's?

short form of "family" fam

Hey fam whats up

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Fam's - meme gif

Fam's meme gif

Fam's - video


Fam's - what is it?

1.) To be destroyed, humiliated and or exhausted.

2.) The end result of a vicious beating.

3.) To be killed or fragged with little or no effort

4.) When you humiliate or have been humiliated by a person or group of people.

Similar to noobed or owned

Pronounced -Fa-md

Example 1.) Someone posted a ridiculous comment on my page so I responded back and fammed them.

Example 2.) I was playing an online game and this person was talking stuff so when I defeated then I typed in FAMMED!!!

Example 3.) I was walking down the stairs with a friend, I suddenly slipped and fell to the ground. My friend then looks at me and shouts FAMMED!

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What does "Fam's" mean?

A term used for the act of self stimulation of the female area

The dirty girl likes being at home and just famming the night away.

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Fam's - what does it mean?

derived from the word "family" . referring to people that are extremely close; as if a family member.

what's crackin fam?

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Fam's - meaning

The family, meaning your parents/guardians and siblings.

Going to NYC tomorrow with the fam.

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Fam's - definition

One you consider family. One who you can trust.

Fam you lookin nice

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Fam's - slang

a word use to describe your peoples. ones that you can trust dearly. someone you consider family

my fam wuz mad deep up in the club the other day

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This phrase is a mixture between "for sure" and "fam". It would be accurately used after someone did something special, clutch, or in good timing for someone else. It is used in substitute for "thank you."

This food is for me? For fam!

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A term that is starting to gain some popularity among a certain crowd of people. Mostly teenagers and young adults who feel the need to show their individuality by changing familiar words into cool new words.

The process by which they achieve this goal is by condensing the old word and then duplicating what you have condensed.

I'm going to spend Winter Break with my fam fam.

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A German pastry, often filled with goat milk; another name for an anime girl from the show "Moldy Toe 6.274"

"I just bought a Fam-Fam!!"

"Ezekial, are you watchin Moldy Toe again?"

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