Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FURIOUS?

A failed covert gun-running operation under the Obama administration and Eric Holder, which resulted in lost and missing assault weapons that ended up in the hands of Mexican criminals. Many Mexican citizens and a U.S. border patrol were subsequently murdered by criminals with these weapons.
Brushed off by leftists, moonbats, the Obama administration and Obamabots as another "fake" or "phony" scandal in their continued trend of failed leadership and not accepting responsibility for anything.

Maria and her son Ceasar were murdered by drug dealers in Mexico today. It was discovered that the weapons used in the murders were more of those from the failed Fast and Furious operation, tragically.

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FURIOUS - meme gif

FURIOUS meme gif

FURIOUS - video


FURIOUS - what is it?

An operation headed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, started in 2009. The ATF thought rather than arresting gun smugglers, they'd let the guns roam free like cattle, allowing smuggling to continue, gambling it would lead them to cartel bosses. Instead they lost track of over 2,000 guns which has been been linked to numerous murders in the US and Mexico.

This failure of an operation ironically later led to the deaths of US Border Patrol and and ATF agents.

Gun smuggler 1: Yo, that Fast and Furious thing was great. It made millions.

Gun smuggler 2: You mean that movie?

Gun smuggler 1: No, that stupid plan to get cartel bosses off the street. They let me to sell this 9mm to the guy down the street in hopes it would lead them to 'bigger fish'

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What does "FURIOUS" mean?

An act of self-pleasure intended purely for the function of dealing with cronic stress. In many cases; this form of masturbation is grossly satirized with descriptions of men grinding their teeth, audibly growling, and exhibiting a pulsating forehead vein.

Larry : Dude writing my thesis fucking sucks. I'm going to fucking kill myself.

Barry : Dude ... take it easy man you know ... go home ... have a sandwich.

Larry : We are fucking beyond sandwiches here.

Barry : Have you tried furious mastrabation?

Larry : Furious masturbation?

Barry : Masturbating FURIOUSLY, just grabbing that little purple soldier and choking the fucking life out of him while you sit and think about how much your life fucking sucks.

Larry : You’re a genius Barry. I now understand why that bruise on your temple has never healed.

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FURIOUS - what does it mean?

Bi-furious describes a person who becomes enraged when they are constantly asked whether they're gay or straight.

Another girl at the office asked David if he was gay and he went completely bi-furious on her ass.

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FURIOUS - meaning

When a Beppler, or one of his friends he has to pay to have, looses a pvp fight or an item and the Beppler has to spend real money to replace the in-game item.

Damn, that is one Furious Beppler. The guy he gives stuff to so he will be his friend just lost an item that costs about 500$ and he had to replace it.

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FURIOUS - definition

(n)The act of masturbating with great physical fury; masturbating with extreme or violent vigor. Sometimes abbreviated as furiousbait

Other forms: Furiously Masturbate, Furiously Masturbating

In fits of rage Johnny tended to blow of steam by using furious masturbation sometimes nearly chafing his dick off.

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FURIOUS - slang

Mainly used in the 1990s by gay men and usually pronounced with a stress on each syllable. This word was used as an alternative to fierce, which became overused at the time.

- Did you see Tanika in that Moschino outfit? She was looking FU-RI-OUS!!

- Girl, the party last night was furious!

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redirecting your energy at doing something productive instead of , say, destructive things like lighting a car on fire.

Jameson: I was told to count pencils again.

Nathaniel: Dude, that's because you need to be furious. do something to channel that energy so work doesn't bother you.

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To be mad at somebody or something

A kid took another kid’s toy, and then the other kid got furious.

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full of fury, violent passion, or rage; extremely angry; enraged.

He was furious about the accident.

When the man got punched in the face, he was furious.

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