Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FUP?

fucked upped.

i wish i never did that!!! aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!! im so fupped!!!!!!!!!

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FUP - meme gif

FUP meme gif

FUP - video


FUP - what is it?

fresh untouched pussy (a virgin)

wow that girl is FUP

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What does "FUP" mean?

(noun) Indian Army slang for a situation that is a total mess, derived from "fuckup"

"Sir, we don't want to be in Iraq in any capacity at all-it's a big FUP."

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FUP - what does it mean?

A group of Mariah Carey fans who call themselves the Fucked UP Family

We went to NYC in January for the FUP Family Trip

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FUP - meaning

Fat Ugly Pig also Fucking Ugly Pig

1) Someone who has been cursed with both a lack of good looks as well as being over weight.

2) Someone who is so hideously ugly that looking at them makes your eyes hurt.

"Beulah Balbricker" from Porkys and the "Momma" from Throw Momma From the Train are 2 famous people/movie characters who were FUPs.

I wanted to poke my eyes out with a sharp and hot object after seeing that FUP wearing a tiny bikini at the beach.

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FUP - definition

"fat upper pussy" that unsightly unidentifyable gigantic second camel toe on fat women

dude that fup is disgusting

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FUP - slang

Fat Upper Pussy-The fat part of the lower belly that hangs over a chick's pussy.

I had to push up that chick's FUP before I could even see her pussy.

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Fat upper pussy. Refers to the flab that many women have in the lower abdominal/pelvic area.

Oh my God look at that woman's FUP!

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A Fat Upper Pussy (See BIF)

Wow! Take a look at that chick and her FUP. (Fat Upper Pussy).

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Acronym for Fat Upper Pussy, the roll of fat located just above a chunky woman's crotch. See also Vagbag

I woulda banged her accept for that nasty FUP.

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