Definder - what does the word mean?


an obviously promiscuous airhead

That ____ really thought the latest trick would be different and call the next day.

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FUCKTART - video


FUCKTART - what is it?

the act of having sex with a toaster pastry, in most forms of society frowned upon :-(

Thats bad man don't fucktart my poptart!

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What does "FUCKTART" mean?

A goodie-goodie fucking retard. The kind of person you just want to smack upside their head.

Fucking+ retard+ fruitcake/sour-ass (goodie-goodie)

That new kid Pip is such a no-good goodie-goodie fucktart. I want him to die.

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FUCKTART - what does it mean?

Synonymous with 'asswipe'. A word that describes a stuck-up, know-it-all adulterer.

This guy Jim, he is a real fucktart.

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FUCKTART - meaning

A tart, usually of the sweet variety, or a other dessert which has been so poorly made it cannot be eaten

Wow! What did you do to this apple pie? I can’t even cut it with a knife! It’s a complete fucktart

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FUCKTART - definition

A fucktart discribes a worthless individual who, for some reason, you find yourself going back to time and time again. Someone who should be removed from the planet for the sake of all decent human beings. Someone who is a fucking idiot yet you enjoy sleeping with them.
aka fucktart

"Jesus, Matt you're a fucktart. Lets go back to your place."

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FUCKTART - slang

the shorter way for saying fucking retarted or fucked up and retarted

describing a really really stupid or annoying ass person

shorter version:

"they are fucktarted"
"ahh this shit is fucktarted"
"your a fucktard sometimes"

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Someone you hate but still want to have sex with.

George: I wish my ex girlfriend wasn’t such a fucktart, then it would be easier to either move on or get back together with her.

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A FUCKTART is someone who leaves you with literally a sour taste in your mouth after they leave your presence and who generally needs to have themselves FUCKED.

I was just in a meeting with Tibirius... he's a real FUCKTART!

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A dumb asshole.

In middle school, since this kid John forgot my first name, he called me by my middle name. John was a fucktart.

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