Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FLIPPIN?

a small town in norhtern Arkansas

i live in flippin a town of 1300 people

👍87 👎71

FLIPPIN - meme gif

FLIPPIN meme gif

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FLIPPIN - what is it?

A word for cool o to express an amount

Im so flippin' pissed.

👍93 👎55

What does "FLIPPIN" mean?

-a word used as fuck or frick
-used in napoleon dynamite

'flippin idiot, gawd!'

👍181 👎115

FLIPPIN - what does it mean?

To express the emotion of being pissed off. A most likely stands for ass. Although not many are sure of the actual meaning.

Flippin' A! I just lost that fifty bucks I got for Mr. Robinson's Bj!

👍43 👎17

FLIPPIN - meaning

Used in place of "fuckin" or "fucking".
Did not originate from Napoleon Dynamite but rather has been used by Mormons for decades.

Flippin' sweet man. Gosh darn it

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FLIPPIN - definition

another slang word for selling stuff cough cough

flippin sacks
i been flippin mad Orgers been good bussiness lately

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FLIPPIN - slang

It means "fricken" but for when your parents are around.

"What the flip!"
"Holy flippin' Jesu!"

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1. A less severe version of the word "fucking".

1. That guy is such a flippin jackass!

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Inflammation of the middle finger, which causes you to randomly flip people off. Also considered a game between close friends to try and catch them off guard by flipping them off unexpectedly.

"Dude, I got flippinitis yesterday and it wont go away!!!!" *flips off friend*

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adv. extrememly, really, exceptionally, excessively, truly.

a syn for the word would be freaking or frekin.

Hey dude, that trick was flippin awesome.

Your life is flippin sweet!

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