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What is FBB'S?

Fuck Boy Behavior

I haven’t heard from that guy who wears a pinky ring in months and then he texted me β€œwyd” at 11pm last night. Major FBB.

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FBB'S - meme gif

FBB'S meme gif

FBB'S - video


FBB'S - what is it?

Flat booty bitches given to females with pancake booty or wall booty girl with no type of ass whatsoever even niggas got bigger asses then her

Boy 1 : damn look at that
Boy 2: nigga please she a FBB

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What does "FBB'S" mean?

Stands for Fatty Bum Bum. Used to describe someone who is fat but cute.

See that girl there. She's a FBB.
He's so cute and such a FBB

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FBB'S - what does it mean?


Dev and I equal FBB'S!!!

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FBB'S - meaning

FBBS is commonly known as facebook boredom syndrome. When someone stays on facebook anywhere from thirty seconds to hours long they develop this syndrome.

Symptoms of FBBS may include the following:
feeling bored
wishing you could go somewhere
hoping you get a IM from someone
feeling lonely

Girl: "UGH, im dying of FBBS.. i can't take it anymore"

Boy: "ME TOO, but there is nothing better to do."

Girl: "Right, i guess everyone on facebook has FBBS"

Boy: "i agree"

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FBB'S - definition

Facebook beef.

"Man, did you see Anna and Laura going back and forth on my facebook post? That's some fbb right there."

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FBB'S - slang

Fat Bubble Booty

-Damn, Tamika got a donkey booty
-Yeah she's FBB

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fuckin bipolar bitch

ugh i hate my mom, she's such a fbb. >:(

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FaceBook Bitch

jenny is such a FBB! all day long she is on my profile, snooping up on me.

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Female body builder

I'm in fbb porn.

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