Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FaceBook Bitch?

Females who generally post status updates relating to how boys are jerks, douches, assholes etc. becuase they break hearts. Ironically they are the ones who go for guys way out of their leauge and ignore the guy who they would be best with.
They are most likely planning world domination and taking all males as slaves.

John Beefcake
"Ugh, more statuses about how guys suck, the Facebook Bitch Cult is taking over!"

Sam Brown
"Guys suck, guys cheat, guys break hearts, guys are players, guys lie"
2 minutes ago
2 people like this

Shaniqua Liqua
"S(he) Be(lie)ve(d)"
6 minutes ago.
6 people like this

👍31 👎17

FaceBook Bitch - video


FaceBook Bitch - what is it?

A person, generally female, who operates two or more facebook accounts in a futile attempt to conceal her multiple relationships.

Melissa has two Facebook accounts, she's a two faced two-facebook bitch.

👍27 👎11

What does "FaceBook Bitch" mean?

Where a person randomly exclaims (normally in capitals) something bitchy about a person or a group of people on their social network status and then wont tell commenters anymore because that would give away the people that they were bitching about and why the were bitching about them in the first place.

Eventually ending up in the person sending a private message to the commenter.

Commenter: Huh?
Person: i cant explain
Person: Check you inbox

* Facebook Bitching Tourettes *. FBT FOR SHORT

👍43 👎17

FaceBook Bitch - what does it mean?

A dude who spends 24x7 with facebook detached to outside world.

Girl 1: This guys is a facebook bitch.
Girl 2: You mean bitching with facebook? :P

👍39 👎39

FaceBook Bitch - meaning

A person that is desperate enough, to go out with someone they met though facebook, without seeing them in person.

You little Facebook Bitch, look at her, Shes 47 with love handels.

👍73 👎117

FaceBook Bitch - definition

A person you know who declines to add you on facebook for no apparent reason.

You decline to add somebody on facebook based on no apparent reason.

John didn't add me on facebook, that facebook bitch

👍51 👎55

FaceBook Bitch - slang

A Female or Male;prepherably a female. A person you meet on facebook, chat and inbox for a long period of time and then finally meet up, you hook up with "facebook bitch" just once. After the hook up you block her/him and ignore them afterwords.

Jim: so how was your night?
Bill: I had a fantastic night with a Facebook Bitch :)

Bill: yes, blocked that broad right after I got it in!

👍63 👎31

FaceBook Bitch

A person, probably a woman, who puts way too much information on her facebook page.

I now know EVERYTHING about that facebook bitch.

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