Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Evelina?

An amazing,Smart,Beautiful Girl who deserves the best guy ever she has Blonde Hair,Brown Eyes,Such a pretty face.

*Evelina walks past*
Guy number 1)Wowwww.......Dude she is SMOKING

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Evelina - meme gif

Evelina meme gif

Evelina - video


Evelina - what is it?

She is an amazing,kind girl with blondish brown hair and greenish eyes but she might not be straight like the other girls but boys may still have a chance to get her cause is the most amazing person;however, don't mess with her.

Person 1"Man who is she?"

Person 2" She is Evelina."

Person 1" Man she's hot."

Person 2" She's not straight man she's bi so there not many chances she is going to like youπŸ˜‘πŸ˜’."

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What does "Evelina" mean?

Beautiful, blue eyes, blond hair, funny and amazig. A special person. She was my best friend. Now... I think she's just a friend, but I still believe inside of me something I can not tell. I loved her and I still do it. I'm sorry for bad things I did to her. I really miss the time we spend together.


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Evelina - what does it mean?

A girls' name used in Sweden. Evokes an image of a beautiful, feminine blonde with a sweet and sunny disposition.

"You're going out with Evelina? Lucky."

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Evelina - meaning

A beautiful,smart,and talented girl who lives in Balkans.
The word β€œEvelina” itself means top.

Evelina helped me math,she is so clever!

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Evelina - definition

the most beautiful girl ever< with blue eyes and brown hair!!!

she makes me smile everyday :P

hey Evelina


Now i feel like i'm on happy pills

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Evelina - slang

Evelina is the most amazing girl i have ever met and there in no one like her. She is more beautiful than any girl imaginable! She's a Polish girl with gorgeous green eyes :) She has perfect blonde hair, and a perfect fit dancers body! She's so nice and a great friend. She is soo cute! Just being with her will make you happy :) She can always make your day better! She deserves the greatest guy out there! She is very funny and it's not only because of her blonde clumsiness :p Her smile makes my heart melt, even from a mile away! :) She is an angel in my eyes and she is my best friend! :) <3

there is no example of Evelina, she is the one and only :) <3

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Evelina has beautiful blondish brown hair with Bluish eyes. She has strong feelings and is very sweet, kind, generous ,and loving evelina doesn’t have many friends but the Two or three she does have are the greatest friends you can get. She is bullied and her heart is shattered some people are trying to help her put it together but she still feels lost at times. She is beautiful and some people like her but she dosent know

Person1- hey who is that?
Person2- I don’t know probably an evelina
Person1- yeah she is nice

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Evelina is a great person but can be dubs to time to time.You should never mess with her or you have of her friends in your bad side.She is funny,smart,and talented and is very weird around her friends. Evelina won’t give a crap about what you say to her but if you say it say it to her face.She is great person to have as girlfriend just don’t cheat on her and nothing will happen.Evelina’s is just a straight up savage and can be pretty ruthless. If you get to know her thow she is a great girlfriend,friend,and bestie.stick with her and she will stick with you.

Evelina lovers

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A very funny and weird sort of girl that has lots of inside beauty and will someday be a very fun and independent woman. Any guy would be lucky to have her, she is loyal and will always be there. She doesn't take crap from anyone and will stand up for what's right.

I'm bored, where's a Evelina when you need one.

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