Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Etan?

Basically a rip off of Jesus and is not a leader, but other than that can be okay sometimes.

"oh wow look tis Jesus" Etan

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Etan - meme gif

Etan meme gif

Etan - video


Etan - what is it?

Rat Etan. Evolves from Lil Etan. New powers: Annoying, smaller, rat.

Lil Etan!
Etan: Shut up (evolves)
ok Rat Etan

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What does "Etan" mean?

A meme made by Kenji at Fleetwood Park British Columbia in 2017 used when you take a picture of food

Kenji:"hey etan are you full?" Kenji showing picture of food saying etan is full. Etan:" no stop i just eat pizza"

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Etan - what does it mean?

A tiny midget looking like a blown up pufferfish and weighing 3 times more than a hippopotamus.

No way it's lil etan!
Get your microscope out, then you'll see!

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Etan - meaning

estimated time of arrival - narrabeen

"Hey Emily, whats your etan?"
6pm my love

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Etan - definition

The asian way to say Ethan.

"Etan, Iz time for deh dinner. We habben da wice with de noodells."

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Etan - slang

Etan is very tall , always kind with everybody.

Girl loves him , good at bed , got a big D . Etan is the best guy in world !

I love Etan

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The sexiest man alive ... his cum tastes sweet and warm, his Hight is tall, his shoe size is long, his cock size is long, and he is perfect. When you meat him you will simp for him IMEDIATLY. He is strong and you can tell he is hot by looking at his balls.

"I cant wait to meet Etan! I hope he pulls down his pants!"

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Someone who is very cute and cool. They like to play guitar and eat bread. They are really cool and everyone likes them. They also really like anime’s and volleyball.

Emily: have you seen etan over there?
Alex: Oh yea! The one who’s really good at volleyball and playing the guitar.

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Hebrew for strong, firm, impetuous.

English for unique ass shit that you don't see every day.

Did you see that kid's etan on stage last night?

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