Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Enjy?

She will love u no MATTER what, she'll be there anywhere, anytime if u needed her and she'll always be proud of whatever u did !!!

Ur my enji

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Enjy - meme gif

Enjy meme gif

Enjy - video


Enjy - what is it?

hooker who likes to smoke up joints every now and then

Hey! Let's go find some enjis and party shit up!

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What does "Enjy" mean?

Enji is one of the most loyal men you will ever meet. He is kind, respectful, handsome, adorable, funny, and can somehow makes you feel like you're somebody when you feel like a nobody. He is a loyal man who doesn't give himself enough credit for being the amazing person he is. he is an amazing friend and an even better lover. Everyone should have an Enji in their life

"Enji is always there for me. He is so sweet"

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Enjy - what does it mean?

A really nice, understanding person. Might be quiet at first but when they open up- BOOM! They'll be so great to hang with.

They're like an angel, helping many of their friends left and right. A very generous person too.
Ready to help a friend in need, truly dependable at heart.

Enjie is a truly good friend, they just know when you are feeling sad and they'll try to cheer you up and try to assist on whatever you're having issues with.

A truly respectable, and understanding friend! Who knows you like the back of their hand.

Person A : "Woah, who's that really quiet and nice person?"
Person B : "Oh, that's enjie! She's really friendly right?"


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Enjy - meaning

A stunning girl who no body will ever forget she has a great personality amd everyone loves her. She is always going to be kind but from time to time she can be mean if u mess with her.Enjy is a stunning name for a stunning persom

Wow enjy is a stunning name, i know its for a stunning person

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Enjy - definition

Enjy is a girl that is so beautiful and so quirky she has all the guys attention but she could not get good grades in her shitty Spanish teachers class. She sometimes can get into drama but she always has other people’s backs and she is a good friend u can trust! But she can get weird and Annoying.

Someone: what did u get in the Spanish quiz enjy?
Enjy: 52% I’m retaking Spanish

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