Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Elmas?

A 2D motocross game. The goal is to collect apples, and then touch a white flower. You fail when the head touches the ground.

ELMA stands for ELasto MAnia

Dude, I just got hooked on that awesome ELMA game!

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Elmas - meme gif

Elmas meme gif

Elmas - video


Elmas - what is it?

Noun: An awesome auntie who, when consumes enough wine, has verbal diarrhea and swears like a sailor.

Verb: to swear a lot and have very bad verbal diarrhea.

1. *drinks lots of wine* "F*ck this f*cking sh*t, f*ck!" "Whoa, settle down Elma."

2. "F*CK!!!!!" "Dude, you just Elma'd"

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What does "Elmas" mean?

Elmas, how can I even start. She is short but beautiful. She has gorgeous brown eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. She loves arts and isn’t the best athlete but tries her hardest. She feels left out at times but every one loves Elmas. She gets mad quickly but will forgive you but long after! She’s such a caring person.

Oh my god she’s Elmas

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Elmas - what does it mean?

really amazing and funny girl who loves to read books! elma is the type of girl that when u see wonder how is she so fucking cool oh my god i hate this girl i wanna murder her shes so awesome and dope wtf dude!!holy shit shes so cooll!! ask her about books and she will fold.. like literally. speaking FROM EXPERIENCE, with an ELMA, shes like the funniest girl on earth, and if u are her crush and u are probably wonderin oh hows an elma like lets see.. WELL,DATE HER! if u wanna smash just start bookting.. its a slur/word for girls named elma/girls who read. and if u ask her about this..??? winkwink. shes so smart but so dumb.. she gets bullied a lot sometimes so dont bully her, even if she laughs its probably not funny and she will cry about it later!

really cute guy: whos that bitch

another hot guy: oh dude thats just elma

cute guy: zooweemama...


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Elmas - meaning

n - one who has the ability to listen to what is not said and guide others to better understanding life and all its ups and downs.

n - one who gives her all to her friends and asks nothing in return. one who can be loyal, faithful and kind to some and a smart ass to others. one that knows the value of honesty, and gives it regardless of the cost.

1 - Don't mind her, she is just doing an elma, since I broke up with my partner.

2 - Omgs! I love her dearly, but she is such an elma. She didn't have to be THAT blunt about it!

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Elmas - definition

Elma is an amazing female who is sexy and beautiful. She pleases others in the bed and in public. She's not afraid to be a dirty dancer. She can be trusted with anything and mostly everything! she normally has brown silky hair and legs very long. She has brown eyes and any guy is lucky to have her because she is amazing in relationships. You'll love her!

You're lucky to have that elma!!

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Elmas - slang

n - one who is the epitome of men's desires and gives pleasure. She satisfies carnal fantasies. She is as comfortable in lace as she is in leather and has legs a mile long.

There she goes now. Damn, that is one awesome Elma!!!!!!

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Elma is a Muslim name,it means "apple" on Turkish

⬆️Its self explanatory.


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Elma is the girl who makes you feel warm inside. Who, when you see her, gets your heart racing with a burning love and desire to be in a relationship with her. Her smile is what makes your day. You treasure every moment with Elma, because she is simply the most wonderful girl on Earth. She has a wonderful sense of humor, and beautiful Hazel eyes. Yet, you feel inferior to her, as if you could never be with her. She entirely out of your league, and maybe she is. But talking to her, and being her friend may be just as good as being in a relationship with her.

Person 1: Man, she is definitely an Elma. Just look at those Hazel eyes!

Person 2: And that smile..

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A girl, who has no idea how beautiful she is. She's been through more shit than she deserves. She is the absolute most perfect person on the planet. No arguments. Everything about this girl is so amazing that she is sometimes thought to be an angel. She is the most beautiful girl to live on this planet. She will deny that, but it is a fact and everybody knows it. She is the kindest, most caring person ever, who will do anything to make you feel special. And she has the cutest laugh, smile, face, eyes, and is pretty much perfect in every way you can imagine and it hurts to not be around her because she is the most loveable person ever. There is nothing, and there never will be, someone like, Elma.

Have you seen that new girl named Elma? Isn't she breathtaking? (Cute boy saying that)

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