Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Eka?

Ekas is a great person. They can always brighten up a room but are actually hurting inside. Go and hug the ekas you know I bet they need it. They are also very talkative and will never shut up. They have a wonderful sense of humour and can make anyone laugh. They are super kind and probably have 30 thousand obsessions. Ekas’s are generally great people to know. Go find yourself a Ekas and love them endlessly.

Ekas why are so so obsessed with marvel smh”
“lol ekas your so funny how do you come up with this stuff”
“Ekas your so pretty”

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Eka - meme gif

Eka meme gif

Eka - video


Eka - what is it?

Ekas is a very funny and kind type of guy. They are usually an introvert. If you are close to them consider yourself lucky as they love the ones close to them unconditionally. They are also quite intelligent and unpredictable.
Always keep this type of person close to your heart

Woah he is extremely kind, he must be an Ekas

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What does "Eka" mean?

a theoretical 119th element which is an alkali metal. In theory since it is lower down in the periodic table, it will be highly explosive

eka francium go brrrr

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Eka - what does it mean?

This is a word used by people who are allowed to do the sex eka because it is SEGGS!

yo, do u know he got shitton. Eka sex eka!

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Eka - meaning

A way to describe a girl or boy that is super thicc. When someone or something has reached maximum thiccness. When someone is a thiccy.

"Damn that girl is eka thicc!'

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Eka - definition

(Extra Kush Ass) An ass that has the size and density similar to that of a pillow.

Kyle has quite an EKA.

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Eka - slang

The word defines that there is only one god

ekonkar(ekas) satnam karta purak nirbahu nirvaire is used in gurunanak Dev ji prayer

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Eka Eka is used to express all emotions joy, anger, shock, fear, anxiousness. An all around diverse phrase.

Nolan called me cute! EKA EKA!

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Eka is a name that comes from Sanskrit एक which means one, singular, one, first, earlier, initial.

In Georgian, Eka means both, both respectively, and both. The word is probably derived from the Greek hekateros (ἑκάτερος) which also has the same meaning. Or it can also be derived from the word catharos (καθαρός) which means pure, pure, clean, white, clear, perfect. In the Egyptian Coptic language can also be found the origin of the name Eka. That is from the word aikia which means "holy name."

Eka symbolizes happiness for both parents as the first child to come in the midst of the family. Philosophically, Eka also means a leader, someone who stands out among many people, has confidence, has conviction, creativity, and strength.

In the philosophy of his native language, Sanskrit, Eka became a symbol for the best in terms of form and quality. It also symbolizes the source of all existing goodness and symbolizes an independent spirited individual with an unshakable stand.

Ekabahasa, Ekakarsa, ekamantra

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1. Stands for as eke known as (also known as) and can be pronounced as eek-ka or something like that or as E K A.
2. Eka is a name that comes from Sanskrit एक which means one, singular, one, first, earlier, initial. (Look at aytngrm's definition from November 23, 2021).
3. Short for Eka Eka (which is used to express all emotions joy, anger, fear, shock, anxiousness, An all around diverse phase (see Nolandio's definition on December 14th, 2020)).

An atomic bomb, eka A Bomb, is one of the many weapons that were created...

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