Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ejaculat!on?

makes you ejaculate, orgasm, gives a ig amount of pleasure.

the chocolate cake is so good, it's ejaculatible !!!
that girl is ejaculatible an cute.

👍25 👎11

Ejaculat!on - video


Ejaculat!on - what is it?

When the guys doodle does the thing

Dank Ass Randy: "Uhhhghghh"

Bitch Ass Emily: "Wat?"

Dank Ass Randy: "I diddly darn ejaculat"

👍31 👎23

What does "Ejaculat!on" mean?

Spunks all day everyday ovber men!

David Taylor

👍37 👎27

Ejaculat!on - what does it mean?

this is when a guy or a girl or a shemale rubs there hand in an upward then downward motion surrounding their cock. this will eventually lead to cum, or sperm coming out of the penis head, making a big mess to clean up.

My big ass Ejaculat!on left a mess all over the bathroom mirror, so i left it there. then my mom walked in and said "who the hell let a shower of sperm on my godamn mirror."

👍49 👎37

Ejaculat!on - meaning

A form of saying goodbye when your coming.

Man #1: Hi Tony, I'm on my way over to your house. I'll be over in 20 min
Man #2: No worries, I'm still getting ready but head over anyway.
Man #1: Will do mate, Ejaculater.

👍25 👎11