Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ENJOY?

To enjoy something and have fun with it. To be a sarcastic asshole because you are a prick.

Mark says he is going to a club tonight. Brad says enjoy it.

Stephen is going to have friends over but his friend can’t go. His friend says enjoy it Stephen. (being a complete dick about it)

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ENJOY - meme gif

ENJOY meme gif

ENJOY - video


ENJOY - what is it?

To consume large quantities of alcohol.

"There's a huge party tonight. Will you be enjoying?"
"Oh yes. I am going to get wasted!"

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What does "ENJOY" mean?

Verb: The act by which one thoroughly engrosses oneself in their current actions with the intent of complete satisfaction and "enjoiment."

If everyone could stop stressing so much and just enjoi life, enjoi friends, and enjoi family.

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ENJOY - what does it mean?

A term used when some one is in lack for a better a word, screwed; In your face-ish.

That bird just pooed on you, enjoy.

You have to baby sit your little brother this weekend so you can't go out to that party, enjoy.

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ENJOY - meaning

(v) To please, or be pleasing.

Many people enjoy sex, drugs, and alcohol.

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ENJOY - definition

to like something

I enjoy that shirt

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ENJOY - slang

A really awesome skateboard company, sponsors freestyle legend Rodney Mullen. Their mascot is a Panda, drawn in their unique way, one of my favorite skate companies.

Me: I got a white panda deck for my Birthday
Friend: That's pretty sweet man, I cracked my (Element)fiberlight today.
Me: That sucks

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Okay fuck off then.

"I'm watching a bear documentary."


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A term stemming from when someone accidentally writes the word "enjoy" twice. Usually a freudian slip that demonstrates a zenith of euphoria and excessive joy.

Roxie: I enjoy enjoy school in abnormal amounts...

Flower-Man: Ok!

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A term used when you enjoy something more than just "enjoy," but not as much as crazy awesome good.

Roxie: I enjoy enjoy school in abnormal amounts.

Flower-Man: Wow, you're weird.

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