Definder - what does the word mean?

What is EMIS?

Emi is a wonderful person and such a good friend. Without her i know that i would be missing something from my life by now i know her i found little thing i have been missing my whole life. Love you Emi xx

George: Emi is the ideal girlfriend for me bro.

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EMIS - meme gif

EMIS meme gif

EMIS - video


EMIS - what is it?

A strong, beautiful woman, with great priorities.
Basically a dream girlfriend, and is a beast at softball.

Dude, look at that girl playing 3rd base, she's totally an Emi.

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What does "EMIS" mean?


β€œomg emi is so sexy wtf”

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EMIS - what does it mean?

Emi is a fantastic girlfriend/wife. She is outgoing,funny, and athletic. She is a flexible person. She is short and smiles a lot.

OMG she is an Emi

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EMIS - meaning

A different spelling of the name Emmy or Emmi or Emmie or Emy. Often short for a girl named Emily. The name Emi in Japanese translates to beauty. A girl named Emi is often outgoing, short, and kind. General characteristics also include engaging in laughter, dry humor, and enjoying long walks.

That girl is short, but seriously funny, she must be named Emi!

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EMIS - definition

Emy is a girl who is clearly the most beautiful, amazing, and fun person ever. Emy might come off as a little snobby at first, but you will quickly realize that she is not, she is just kind of shy. Emy probably has long brown hair and freckles, and she is really skinny. She may be friends with an Isabella / Bella , Violet , Sarah , or Chloe .

Emy might have interests such as drawing, playing the piano, sleeping, and playing soccer. She also enjoys shopping and she is more than a little bit girly.

Basically, Emy will someday rule the world and you should make friends with one if you meet one.

"Oh, I know Emy! She's the best."

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EMIS - slang

Emi is the name of a girl who deserves the world . She’s the most loyal, funny, honest, and beautiful person anyone could meet. She may seem shy at first, but after a few times she’s the best person to be around. She always wants what’s best for you, and is a happy person to be around. She has a very specific type, but once found she’ll love them forever. Basically a dream girl and any guy would be lucky to have her. If you do, never let go of her. (Also she’s great in bed, never says it but is a shy freak)

I wish I had a girlfriend like Emi, I would want to marry her.

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She is a wonderful caring person. She seems rude but has a heart of gold. Your lucky if she doesn't hate you, it means your special Emie is nice to everyone but has particular ppl she is close too. She can work her money maker and all the boys want her

Hanes: bro I really like emie

Tim: I saw her dancing yesterday I dont blame you bro

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The most amazing, fun, caring, beautiful, smart, talented person you will ever meet. She deserves to be happy and she is insecure sometimes, but she will always be there to help

Emi is perfect the way she is

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A female of exceptional beauty, intellect and kindness. Emy tends to be carefree and awesome in every way. She is more likely to rule the world and win your heart.

I wish I could be Emy.

As beautiful as an Emy.

That girl is awesome. She has to be an Emy.

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