Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Duck lips?

When you gay ass brother licks you

Bruh my brother just Lip Ducked me!

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Duck lips - video


Duck lips - what is it?

A verb used for when a person is making duck lips, usually for a picture. (Used instead of saying "making duck lips.")

Billy: Why is David always duck-lipping in all of his pictures?

Joe: He's not duck-lipping. His lips are just huge.

Billy: Oh...

👍29 👎17

What does "Duck lips" mean?

What morons say who haven't heard the term "duck face"

"Hey I just got the Internet, have you heard about 'duck lips'"?

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Duck lips - what does it mean?

The look of a woman who has used to much botox around her mouth. It gives her the inability to smile while giving her lips a pursed appearance.

Look, she must of had botox injections today, she has duck lips.

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Duck lips - meaning

Another term for speculum, a cold, metal device used by the gynocologist to pry open and peer into your ladyparts during an pelvic exam.

"There I was, shivering in my paper gown, heels in the stirrups and trying to think of Paris, anywhere but here. And then my struggle for detachment was shattered by the icy cold introduction of the duck lips as they quacked their way into my unwilling hooha..."

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Duck lips - definition

A pose used in a selfie, usually by making an over exaggerated kissing face with your lips.

Girl: (to other girl) I'm taking a selfie. I'm going to do duck lips.
Girl 2: I really need new friends.

👍47 👎13

Duck lips - slang

Where one's lips look like a duck's bill(beak). Most scenefags make kissing faces while they take endless pictures of themselves and post them at various places on the internet. They think it looks really cool, but they actually look like an ugly ass duck. It looks really AWFUL, and makes me wan't to destroy the internet because so many people are doing it.

Guy1: Yo did you see her myspace?
Guy2: Yeah! She looks like a real scenefag with those duck lips!

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Duck lips

This is a face used in many teenage facebook pictures. They stick their lips out in a fashion that resembles a duck's beak. It is meant to be seductive, although why anyone would think ducks are sexy, I don't know. Stay away from these girls, prolonged exposure to them may cause brain cell damage. This is not to be confused with a kissy face, which is a girl making a face as if she were about to kiss someone. This is an okay face under the circumstances that A: She is in a relationship and sending it to her boyfriend because she's traveling far away B: Blowing kisses to her mom or dad through skype C: It's Valentines day. If it is not under these circumstances, then it's just as bad as duck lips.

In the picture, she had duck lips and was naked in the shower. I can't believe I once was friends with her.

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