Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dtb?

This is slang from London and stands for Ditch the Bitch. This is usually advice given by a friend to someone whose girlfriend has become a trouble. Typically this is due to her having become sure of him as a possession and has become a demanding, self-absorbed, self-centred cunt with a severe case of princess syndrome.

“Mike’s having real problems with Kim and asked me for help.”
“What did you tell him?”
You know what a pain in the arse she is just one answer DTB!”

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Dtb - meme gif

Dtb meme gif

Dtb - video


Dtb - what is it?

Is a spanish expression, that means:

Dios Te Bendiga (God bless you)

A. nos vemos, hasta mañana! (cya 2morrow)
B. bye! DTB (bye! god blees you)

👍1345 👎339

What does "Dtb" mean?

Acronym for "Dios Te Bendiga" or God Bless You in spanish
Used mainly by internet users

Feliz cumpleaños amigo DTB

👍1587 👎403

Dtb - what does it mean?

"Don't trust bitches"

Damn man I "DTB" after my ex.

👍25 👎11

Dtb - meaning

Don't Trust Bitches

A song from a boogie wit a hoodie
Basically means you dont trust bitches.

Its a state of mind you have to feel it.

"Yo bro that bitch did me dirty I'm DTB for life"
"Fuck do DTB mean?"
"Don't trust bitches"
"Oh word, then i been DTB for life"

👍183 👎19

Dtb - definition

Don't Trust Bitches

"My girlfriend just cheated on me. DTB"

👍649 👎41

Dtb - slang

don’t trust bitches

jeff- i DTB anymore cus they fake asl
julian- word my son

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Don't Trust Bitches.

My Facebook Name Is Nene Dtb.

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Acronym for

" don't trust bitches"

"I dtb"

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Don't text back

"Hey I'm busy right now, ttyl. Dtb.

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