Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Down Day?

Something that has been upside down for a longtime.

From BCC High School

That dudes car was flipped over like 2 weeks ago and it hasn't been touched.

That shit be upside down for days doe.

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Down Day - video


Down Day - what is it?

October 31st is national give Chris dick day. Every year thousands of people gather at ashy bois house to dick his gay ass down

Akenai: hey Joseph what time are we going to Chris’s house for national dick down Chris day

Joseph: I’m already preparing his anis for penetration.

Akenai: radical

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What does "Down Day" mean?

National Bust Down Thotiana day is on April 16th and is where people bust down like thotiana.

" Ayyyye girl lemme see you bust down"
" bust down thotiana"

" break it down"
Its national bust down thotiana day so lemme see you bust down.

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Down Day - what does it mean?

When the Word of the day has more downs this ups, similar to this one.

Guy 1: I posted a word on Urban Dictionary and got Word of the day!

Guy 2: Looks like like a Down of the day! TROLOLOLOLOL!

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Down Day - meaning

A day on April 12th in which celebrates the art of getting dicked down

Josh: What day is it today?
Devin: It's April 12th, national dick me down day
Kinsey: I'm ready

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Down Day - definition

this is a day for me and my fellow females. we celebrate this day on april 16th. may the dick be in you .

i can’t wait for international dick me down day. i’m hyped.

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Down Day - slang

The national holliday where every guy has his fly down

Dude pull your fly down its National Fly Down Day

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Down Day

March 10th or the 69th day of the year is Jacob Riley Downing day, be sure to give gifts to your local Jacobs.

Did you know March 10th is Jacob Riley Downing Day?

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Down Day

Feel free to go bust down on your friends. If you want just bust down anywhere!

Bro, that girl just busted down on me
I think she likes you but that’s gay
Nah man. It’s national bust down day

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Down Day

a day when you just feel down or sad

You: it's just a down day
Friend: yeah, im feeling really sad today

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