Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dog in the ass?

An adverb commonly used with the verb taste to describe an edible food item with undesirable flavors or is otherwise unsatisfying. Etymology of word most likely arose from the inferred or actual flavor of a dog’s anus.

Example 1

Person A: Dewd – are you hungry?
Person B: Hell yeah, I could eat the dead end of a rhinoceros; all I had to eat today was a sandwich my god it tasted like dog ass!

Example 2
Waiter, this pasta tastes like dog ass, could I have something else?

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Dog in the ass - video


Dog in the ass - what is it?

To describe an exceptional or really good act; great, amazing, top of the line, etc.

β€œI just took a dog ass nap, that shit was amazing.”

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What does "Dog in the ass" mean?

A colloquial expression used to describe different levels of either temperature, moods, physical appearance, etc...

1. Damn...he's hotter than a dog's ass!

2. It's hotter than a dog's ass in here!

3. The boss is madder than a dog's ass right about now.

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Dog in the ass - what does it mean?

Refers to something that is bad, typically frustrating in the process.

That was the worst sandwich I've ever was total dog ass.

Some dog ass stole my car stereo!

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Dog in the ass - meaning

a worthless, shiftless individual who fails to take responsibility for their own and the life they create; a seeker of self gratification at societies expense; a bum; a bottom feeding opened palmed individual; a slacker. Taken from the phrase, not worth a dog's ass.

Walmart fired Tyrone's dog ass for stealing Astro glide.

Sarah should take Tim's dog ass to court for child support.

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Dog in the ass - definition

The act of burning the fuzzies off your socks and farting in your hotel room. The simutanous act smells of Hot dogs and ass.

Brian "Dude quit lighting your socks on fire and farting"
Larry "why?"
Brian "it smells like Hot dogs and ass"

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Dog in the ass - slang

Used to describe something that has no value, doesn't taste good, doesn't look good, doesn't work and is inferior.

"Have you heard the new XYZ CD?" Matt asked Janine.
"Yup. Sucks. I wouldn't use it to hit a dog on the ass." Janine replied.

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Dog in the ass

It’s an old Persian saying for when someone is trying to point out that there is nothing but shame in being an ass-kisser to an ass-kisser.

A: Hijab is a culture for all our Iranian women and we should make sure everyone wears it at all times.

B: Shut up man, the dog fucked the ass-kisser.

In this example, person A was trying to support the forced hijab rule and cover it up by calling it culture.

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Dog in the ass

A person who just can't get his shit together and seems to fuck up everything he or she can their hands on. The only thing they are good at is fucking the dog in the ass.

Russ was such a moron at work, all he was good for was FUCKING THE DOG IN THE ASS.

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Dog in the ass

Dog in the ass means when you go to sleep in a junkyard and wake up with a dog nestled in your colon.

Quite uncomfortable.

When Fred woke up in the junkyard he had a dog in the ass.

He had to coax it out with meaty bones and a dog biscuit.

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