Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dirty Boy?

second worst thing to happen to those orphans

The dirty crime boy is jonah lol

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Dirty Boy - video


Dirty Boy - what is it?

A white male from a working class background.Often involved in a life of crime and drug use.

He had to join the Army, what else is dirty white boy going to do wih his life besides go to jail.

Judd Nelson played a Dirty White Boy in the movie "The Breakfast Club"

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What does "Dirty Boy" mean?

someone who is very mischievous, like a raccoon

"its me and Wilbur, the dirty crime boys"

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Dirty Boy - what does it mean?

Will do cocain and kill orphans

Person: wow who is that
Person2:that’s dirty crime boy

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Dirty Boy - meaning

You cook a marshmallow over a fire until jet black and on fire, then you pull down the victim’s pants and brand him on his right asscheek

β€œI gave my little sister a dirty Boy Scout and now I have a rape case”

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Dirty Boy - definition

A group of males who indulge in all sorts of filth in a closed disguised environment

John : hey u coming too the dirty boys club tonight

Mark: yes now be quite or papa spank

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Dirty Boy - slang

Fuck boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Fuck boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is when you wear a Red shirt, brown khaki pants and red converse and a lil chain

Have you met Fuck boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dirty boy Austin ?

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Dirty Boy

A sexually frustrated young man, who fulfills fantasies of flirting with, fooling around with, and/or sleeping with, dirty girls. (see definition of "dirty girl")

A boy who is ridiculously amazing in bed.

damn, jeff is such a dirty boy.

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Dirty Boy

A natural born complainer with an attraction to anything with or resembling a hole. Feelings to enter said hole are especially heightened when intoxicated. Dirty boys have no shame in their game. They often refer to their captors as β€œbeauty”.

The dirty boy went to the bar, got wicked Intoxicated and slept with a girl he met on that same night.

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Dirty Boy

A boy who has a animalistic and kinky mindset towards sex. Usually likes licking pussy, talking dirty and generally getting sweaty and messy with a girl. is happy to find like-minded dirty/filthy girls to lose inhibitions with.

'I got with Chris last week, he wanted to lick my hairy pussy... Dirty boy'

'Turns out Sam is a dirty boy, u should have seen the filth he was texting me'

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