Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dickness Scale?

(Pronounced like dik' son fish' scale) the measurement used, usually by men, when bragging about certain body parts and/or the size of the fish they caught.

Mary was very shocked and oh so disappointed when she realized that Mark had measured using The Dicks & Fish Scale.

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Dickness Scale - video


Dickness Scale - what is it?

When a womans vaginal secretions dry on a man's dick, giving it a flakey, scaley appearance

Man, stay away from her, she will give you a bad case of {scale dick!)

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What does "Dickness Scale" mean?

Name given to the current 10-point scale of a female's looks, only taking into account her dickableness.

That girl so ugly, she a negative five on the dicked-her scale.

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Dickness Scale - what does it mean?

Number of orgasms you gave a your woman during one session of sex.

I scored an 8 on the dicked-her scale last night! Yeah, I gave my girl 8 orgasms when we were having sex!

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Dickness Scale - meaning

Just like the Richter scale that measures the magnitude of earthquakes, this refers to how much a guy has rocked your world.

It could also mean how big of a surprise or disappointment his dick is in size.

So , Sally, how was your date last night with John?
OMG! He knows how to work it! He was so a 8.5 on the dick-ter scale.

Let me tell you, John may not have an ass, but he makes up for it in the front. He is at least a 9.5 on the dick-ter scale.

Oh yeah, I had a one night stand with that guy. From what I remember, it wasn't worth it. He was like a 2.0 on the dick-ter scale.

Did you see that bulge in that guys pants? Looks like he could cause some serious damage with thing. He must be like a 8.5 on the dick-ter scale.

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Dickness Scale - definition

The scale used to measure the size of a male's family jewels. 1 being the smallest, 7 being the largest.

1. ween
2. peen
3. weiner

4. penis
5. dick

6. cock
7. schlong

"How would you rate John on the National Dick Scale?"

"He falls somewhere between a ween and a peen."

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Dickness Scale - slang

The Dickness Scale is a scale from 1-12 inches. Created by two best friends named Jackie and Kennedy in GA.

Sometimes if his personality or hotness is really high then it may go above the dickness scale. There is also a Dickness Scale for chodes.

Person 1: ohhh that guy is sooo hot.
Person 2: What do you rate him on the Dickness Scale??
Person 1: He's a 72. *gets horny*

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