Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Denon?

When you get a boner while handling bananas.

Hey look he has a dirty Denon from stocking the banana table.

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Denon - meme gif

Denon meme gif

Denon - video


Denon - what is it?

A very small Peen, like almost microscopic, tiana is disappointed in it

โ€œwow did you see that denon greigโ€
โ€œno, itโ€™s too small to see without a magnifying glass u idiotโ€

โ€œhahaha small peenโ€

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What does "Denon" mean?

A very small Peen, like almost microscopic, tiana is disappointed in it

โ€œwow did you see that denon greigโ€
โ€œno, itโ€™s too small to see without a magnifying glass u idiotโ€

โ€œhahaha small peenโ€

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Denon - what does it mean?

the precise, literal meaning of a word, without emotional associations or overtones.

someone saying one word but it meaning something else. denonment.
John: You hella cool Jimmy


John: I meant you are cool as in fun to be around chill calm person. bruh you stupid!!!

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Denon - meaning

A "monster" dick that is 10 inches or longer.

Mike: Hey Cresk!n did you see your girlfriend last nite?

Cres!n: Yea, I gave her the denon.

Mike: Haha everyone knows about your denon

Cresk!n: Even my denon knows about my denon, its so big its grown a seperate brain, so now I can think with my denon!

Mike: HAHA!

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Denon - definition

Denon- tries to ruin people's image online with false information that some of his misinformed sheep love. Possibly has charges and is angry that he can't get into the legal industry because of it .

Denon - one angry dude

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Denon - slang

A man who is kind, passionate and caring. He will give anything to protect and care for the ones he loves. He can be hard on the outside but once you get to know him he is the most loving person you will ever meet. Doesnโ€™t give up easily. Always goes for what he wants. An amazing friend, lover, father and brother. Keeps his circle small and close. Is trustworthy, confident and good in bed. Can be the sweetest person you know unless you cross him.

In a world full of Jimmyโ€™s, be a Denon.

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