Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Deep Clean?

Going down on your girl and brushing your teeth with her pubic hair.

Damn my girl gave me a Deep South Cleaning and I'm still plucking hairs outta my teeth

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Deep Clean - video


Deep Clean - what is it?

Describes a very detailed procedure that involves a naked man, an Hispanic woman, a pressure washer, and a Jack Russell Terrier. Although it has become a popular talking point, there is actually no video footage proving that it has ever been attempted.

I paid that chic and extra $200 for the Mexican Deep Clean.

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What does "Deep Clean" mean?

When a man inserts Doritos into his cock and his bitch sucks the shit out

Man 1: Dude bruh my girl gave me the Springfield Deep Clean last night
Man 2: Dude bruh did it hurt?
Man 1: It felt like razor blades summoned by the elder Gods ripped through my urethra and into my cum slut’s tight lips, bro

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Deep Clean - what does it mean?

When you use a q-tip to clean the schmegma out of your boyfriend's pizzle.

Rachel can't come out tonight...she's busy giving her man a deep cleaning.

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Deep Clean - meaning

The act of using a towel to clean one's ringpiece and rectum with great vigour and zeal.

As he checked out of the hotel Steve glanced around furtively, desperately hoping the cleaners had yet to discover the soiled remnants of his latest deep clean.

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