Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Decky?

A Canadian rapper known for his intentionally offensive lyrics against: the LGBTQ community, victims of WW2, and most notable the entire female gender. Lil Decky has progressively gotten more offensive, as his sexual experiences grow wilder. Accidentally grinding on a man at a music festival incited his hatred of the LGBTQ and made him wonder if he was gay for many nights.

Lil Decky has found more success outside of rap. He is an aspiring lawyer and hopes to defend people accused of hate crimes. He is a devoted alcoholic and drank over 27 beers and 10 shots at an Ottawa music festival before passing out inside the women's bathroom in a bar. Lil Decky's lyrics can be said to be a lyrical expression of the hatred he feels towards his ex Shayde, but he claims he plays girls for fun.

Ginger girl: Omg did you hear Lil Decky's new album, so offensive. I can't believe that anyone would ever have sex with him!

French girl: Yeah haha, about that. I'm going to over to Lil Decky's tonight. He is going to teach me the violin.

Ginger girl: it's ok so am I. I hope he doesn't make a song about us.

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Decky meme gif

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Decky - what is it?

1. A term used to describe someone who grossly exaggerates any situation they are describing for the purpose of making themselves look good

2. When someone is lying

Man; Boy I went in d club yesterday and spray bout three bottles of Hennessy me alone

Friend; yeah bai decky boom I hear yuh was by d bar sipping on free drinks whole night

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What does "Decky" mean?

A canadian rapper known for his controversial lyrics against the lgbtq community, the holocaust, and the entire female gender. Lil Decky has also found sucess in other aspects beside rapping, some notable achievements include: drinking 5 four lokos in an hour, wheeling 50 girls in 17, and failing 3U math.

Hoe #1: Yo man did you hear Lil Decky's new track roast of Sam Ratty?
Hoe #2: Ya that shit got me wet af

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Decky - what does it mean?

Zyn Nicotine Pouches, inserted in the upper gum or bottom gum.

Johnny, Let me pop a Upper Decky real quick buddy.

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Decky - meaning

Decky is the term used when one is so high on ketamine that they simply fold in half like a deck chair

You're soooo decky bro look at you all folded up like a chair

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Decky - definition

the biggest fucking dip shit u will ever meet. If u see a decky, be sure to run away as fast as you can to avoid being pulled in by the bastards seemingly nice personality. However if you are feeling courageous, try running up to the thing and giving it a super wedgie.

person 1: OMFGGGG its a decky!
person 2: wat will we do?

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Decky - slang

A sexy beast with a big cock

Look at that decky over there hes great

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Slang for a member of the deck department aboard a Merchant Ship.

"Is he an engineer?"
"No, he's a deckie."

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A surplus member of a ship's crew, soley for asthetic value, a hold over from days of sail powered vessels, when skill was required for navigation and control of the vessel. Now a days they simply stand around on the bridge or deck, working on their tans, or reading romance novels. typically can be found day dreaming or asleep. Often enjoys dressing up in uniform, and asking vast amounts of questions of the engineering department. A deckie relies on the engineers to take care of the ship and its operations. Virtually helpless.

Passenger- Sir can you tell me the name of the ship?

Deckie- Hold on let me call the engine room.

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A dominant male, generally married with Children. Is well known for his promiscuous lifestyle and sexual libido. Much like a sailor has a woman in every port and takes at least 5 β€œbusiness trips” per year.

All round sex god.

Wow, Decky is such a stud.

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