Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Deadbeat Dad?

"A Deadbeat works all day to stay away and keeps his money to himself and decides what he is going to pay and when. He wanted to get married, he wanted to have children, then he walked away when he has it all. He no longer cares if the Mother and Child waits daily or nightly for him. He no longer cares if they are broken. He thinks of himself as a good man and is built up by his friends; but once you get to know him you see he is the worst type of man."

He chose to walk away, but still wanted to act as a parent. He's actually nothing more then a deadbeat dad.

👍41 👎15

Deadbeat Dad - video


Deadbeat Dad - what is it?

A fucking wanker who doesnt give a shit about the kids he never wanted in the first place.

My dad is a deadbeat dad! I havent seen him for years and he never sends money because he is a cunt!

👍37 👎13

What does "Deadbeat Dad" mean?

A Dad who tells everyone he loves and misses his kids but makes no effort to see them, doesn't pay to make their lives better and doesn't put them on his priorities list. So next time you hear how much he misses them, inform him that actions speak louder than words and to his kids his love seems like hate.

That Lee has posted another story with him and he kids how he will do anything for them. He only sees them once a week and fobs them off at any chance. He's such a deadbeat dad!

👍25 👎11

Deadbeat Dad - what does it mean?

When a "farther"/" mother " does not provide for their child (children ) When said "parent" often makes empty promises. Lowlife

Mandy- Did you hear Scott didn't pay child support... Again?

Jasmine- Not a big surprise he's such a Deadbeat dad.

👍25 👎11

Deadbeat Dad - meaning

Father who doesn't help support {financially, physically or emotionally} his children.

Look at Corey, he's such a deadbeat dad. So many kids but doesn't support for a single one.

👍45 👎13

Deadbeat Dad - definition

A man who is so lazy he doesn't help his wife do anything. Will show up late for his baby's birthday party and leave as soon as possible... with his mom and sister, leaving his wife and her parents (and a friend) to do all the work before and after the party. He stays out half the night drinking with his buddies, is always watching sports on tv.. and thinks he is a saint if he takes out the trash once in a blue moon.

A deadbeat dad is a so-called man who is so lazy he doesn't help his wife do anything. Will show up late for his baby's birthday party and leave as soon as possible... with his mom and sister, leaving his wife and her parents (and a friend) to do all the work before and after the party. He stays out half the night drinking with his buddies, is always watching sports on tv.. and thinks he is a saint if he takes out the trash once in a blue moon. He will show up for Christmas Dinner with guests that he invited without telling anyone when he didn't pay for or help prepare any of the food. He will eat then go hide in the den to watch tv or in the bathroom where he will be on the phone for hours. He will hide from people because he is a coward and threaten others with calling the law on them when he is the one that is in the wrong. He hides inside his house because he has taken advantage of others and is scared they will catch him out somewhere and get even with him. He will cheat people and say it is because he has a signed contract, even when he knows it is wrong.

👍61 👎15

Deadbeat Dad - slang

A complete douche bag that gets the news of his ex girlfriend who he once said meant the world to them pregnant, runs like a track star once they realize they have a responsibility they have to take care; chooses with a clear mind to date their ex and not being involved in the unborn child being at all.

Maybe your father a person you really trusted down right disgusting human being Deadbeat Dad

👍125 👎29

Deadbeat Dad

A man who has no respect for his pregnant (ex) partner, and who, after the child is born, decides to sit on his mountain of cash and assets while the mother and their child live in poverty. He is able to continue with his life as normal (ie dating, going out to the bars, finishing a college degree) while the mother had to give up everything including her college degree because she can't support the child all alone. The deadbeat cares not for anyone but himself, does not want to see his child, believes himself to always be right in every situation, and has an overwhelming sense of self-entitlement. Regardless of his ability to support his child, if he decides he doesn't WANT to, then he's not going to.

Even though the father of my child makes a great living as an engineer, he would rather his child live in poverty with the mother and does not desire to see his child at all. What a deadbeat dad.

👍415 👎95

Deadbeat Dad

A pitiful excuse of a sub-human being. It is likely that you will find this said sub-human in a bar, drinking and playing pool with an unattractive and probably overweight piece of trailer trash you wouldn't want around your kids. Although, this is probably fine because the deadbeat doesn't even come around, so it's probably no big deal. (See barfly) This barfly which is often associated with a deadbeat father probably has child problems of her own. Commonly, the barfly's spawn are from numerous fathers and the children are probably in the father's/state's care, in fact, the barfly probably screwed up so much there's no possible way she could ever get her kids back, even if the said father of the barfly's children were to die.
The deadbeat father can often be seen wearing $150 sunglasses(probably oakley's because he's suffering from Peter Pan syndrome and wants to live in the 90's) and is sporting a $300 cell phone. He probably is unemployed, drawing unemployment, and works under-the-table,(to help support his and his barfly's habit), which he freely admit to the judge because of his dwindling IQ due to the heavy amounts of beer and marijuana comsumption.
Due to lack of functioning braincells, he is unable to remember the children or their birthdays and will often call on the wrong date if he even calls at all. Of course, because the deadbeat is so self centered, he believes he is a wonderful father and believes other fathers should be just like him.

1)Michaeal K Baucom Jr (he thinks he's famous pool shark)from Seneca SC is a prime example of a deadbeat dad.

2)Deadbeat dads litter the world for decent hard working parents.

3)Sally: "Oh my god, did you know that Michael didn't even call his son on his birthday?!"
Sue:"Wow, Michael is SUCH a deadbeat dad"

👍1089 👎257

Deadbeat Dad

A sperm donor who decides being a father to his children is no longer of interest or a priority to him. A person who forces hardship and hurt upon his kids due to his selfishness and lack of care towards their quality of life and childhood years. A person with garnished wage orders is the ultimate deadbeat. The state has to step in and care for his children bc he won't voluntarily contribute. No one is more heartless and selfish than a parent who has their child go without so they can have more. A person who fears exposure of reality and the truth because their choices and actions are so shameful and disgusting.
Other possible synonyms: narcissist, sociopath, a shallow empty walking corspe with a dad costume on, childhood stealer, a regret to give your heart to, a mistake to trust or believe, a frequent disappointment, the ugliest form of a coparent.

The deadbeat dad walked around the airport with his pilot costume on enjoying the respect and idolizations he received from passengers and flight attendants. Wearing a costume was his escape from the reality of the truth which was that he was a childhood damager and innocent offspring heartbreaker.

👍59 👎13