Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dead-ringer?

A movie (actually titled "Dead Ringers") directed by David Cronenberg telling the story of identical twin gynecologists - Elliot and Beverly, played by the ever boring Jeremy Irons - One is shy and normal per se, the other, a total whack job. They share the same practice, the same apartment, the same women. When a new patient, glamorous actress Claire Niveau - played by the almost do-able Genevieve Bujold - challenges their eerie bond, they descend into a whirlpool of sexual confusion, drugs, and madness including the creation of "Alien-like" gynecological tools.

"I watched "Dead Ringers" and left the theatre feeling like a psychopath for having not left earlier."

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Dead-ringer - meme gif

Dead-ringer meme gif

Dead-ringer - video


Dead-ringer - what is it?

The phrase "dead ringer" comes from Old Medieval England when someone was pronounced dead they were quickly sent for burial due to no refrigeration in mortuaries. This led to some wrong diagnosis and the burial of people who were actually still alive. Many a resumed coffin has been found with server scatch marks on the inside. A contributor of this was the fact that beer, when drunk in large quantities from the old "lead beer mugs" made the thirsty person not only drunk but the appearance of being dead due to the fact the the chemical reaction between the beer and lead slowed the heart beat of the said thirsty person to such an extent that an over enthusiastic dockter may pronounce the drunkard, dead. However, if they were not buried so swiftly they would in fact wake up with no more than a regular and deserved "hangover". Once this was realized and before there was a ban on drinking out of the early beer mugs made of lead, people were buried with a bell so that they could ring it if they were to wake up while 6 feet under. This is also where "saved by the bell" comes from.

During a race or any gaming activity where a particular "unknown" participant excels, they can be termed a "dead ringer", in other words they are back from the dead.

👍27 👎11

What does "Dead-ringer" mean?

In old england people would be accidentally buried alive. When they finally realized this they decided to tie a bell to their wrist this way they could ring it if they were alive once buried. those who watched the graves at night is where they got the phrase "Graveyard Shift".

We've got a dead ringer.

👍127 👎91

Dead-ringer - what does it mean?

when someone sits behind Chuck Norris in a movie theater and forgets to turn their cell phone off.

darth vader forgot to turn off his cell phone in the theater. now they call him the dead ringer

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Dead-ringer - meaning

1. a person or thing that looks exactly like anther person or thing

2. an exact duplicate

That bear is a dead ringer of the one that was found in the pool.

👍145 👎63

Dead-ringer - definition

The Dead Ringer is a Cloak Watch in TF2. With it, the spy using it can use a percentage of the cloak's duration to feign their own death, and later reappear with a distinct sound effect, creating a nasty surprise for the would-be killer.

Spies using the Dead Ringer are tricky opponents.

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Dead-ringer - slang

a fake which looks just like the real thing

When two people look the same you might say:

Dave is a dead ringer for bob!

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1)When someone looks very similar to someone else; a lookalike.

2)dead ringer(s); A a show on BCC 2(or is it 1?) were impersonators do impressions of celebrities.

"Wow, that guy's a dead ringer for Elvis Presley, I thought he was back from the dead!"

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