Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Danver?

Kara Danvers is a DC character and Superman's cousin. She assumes her hero identity as Supergirl in her spare time.
Kara was born on the planet Krypton, just like her cousin Kal-El.
Her alien name is Kara Zor-El. Kara Danvers is her Earth name because of the Danvers family, who raised her on Earth since she came to our planet.
She is the protagonist of the TV series Supergirl since 2015.

Kara Danvers would cook you in a second. She can shoot fire with her eyes! But... don't tell anybody.

Is it a bird? A plane? It's Supergirl!

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Danver - meme gif

Danver meme gif

Danver - video


Danver - what is it?

Carol Danvers: a lesbian icon who scares men aka Captain Marvel

Person 1: my favorite marvel character is Carol Danvers!

Person 2: you have amazing taste!

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What does "Danver" mean?

The dorky, awkward, beautiful and supergay main character of CW's Supergirl and Supergirl's alter ego played by Melissa Benoist. She's Lena Luthor's girlfriend and one of the most perfect characters on earth when the writers aren't shitty, lack of creativity or write something that actually makes sense.

Fun fact: Kara always gets even more awkward and than normal when she's with Lena. There's no heterosexual explanation for that, therefore, supercorp is real.

Person 1: What do you think of Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers in Supergirl?
Person 2: She's perfect. A real gay dork.

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Danver - what does it mean?

Someone who deserves the world and who has the puppy eyes in the world

Person 1: Hey did you hear Alex Danvers and Maggie Sawyer are dating

Person 2: Those two deserve the world

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Danver - meaning

A cute nerdy girl who wears glasses and a ponytail in attempt to disguise herself from being revealed as Supergirl. She's also a bad liar and once told Lena Luthor (her future wife) she flew to her office on a bus.

"I'm not flying around and saving people in this thing" ~Kara Danvers 2k16

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Danver - definition

a very small town with nothing but a gas station and a bar located in the middle of illinois

population is about 1000 mostly consisting of older people and a few teenagers

there is also an elementary school where kids from other small towns go to

dude wana go hang out in danvers?

fuck that

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Danver - slang

a craphole in north eastern mass that is filled with crackwhores, sluts, pregnant teenagers, and a community college where all Danvers little failures of life go to pretend they are doing something with their lives

me: hey mike hows like
jon: (while smoking crack) oh its good *scraches neck* my wife is pregnant again with another little rat face kid
me: you got married?
jon: HELLZ NO NIGGA! i just pimpin ma shit around danvers community college
me: thats sad......

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The town in mass where sad white kids pretend their lives are interesting by doing drugs

"Hey have you been to danvers?"

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Drama Town

Are those people from Danvers? Woah! Lets drop Quick!


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A friend you can count on and be glad to have in your corner. Thoughtful and has a great sense of humour. Loves the outdoors, fishing, biking and hanging out with friends. Knowledgeable when it comes to cars and has an interest in photography. Finds ways to connect people and break the ice. Count yourself lucky if you’re called a Danver.

Man I wish I knew cars...what I need is a Danver in my life.

Love that guy, he’s a real Danver for having my back.

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