Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DUCATI?

A motorcycle sought out by pretentious assholes who prefer wine to Jack Daniels. They hope that the Ducati is a conspicuous indicator of their riding ability along with their Victoria's Secret color coordinated soft leather suits. Unfortunately, the Duc, on the rare instances it will run, is a badge and incident of a lame ass pretender who knows absolutely nothing about motorcyles. They are made by a filthy subspecies of European -- the only ones on the continent who admired the fucking Nazi's.

A gay bar is to a Ducati like a bright light is to a bug.

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DUCATI - meme gif

DUCATI meme gif

DUCATI - video


DUCATI - what is it?

The sexiest Graalian

Ducati if the sexiest Graalian

👍75 👎111

What does "DUCATI" mean?

An incredibly sexy Italian bitch built like the sexiest bike ever

Girl: Have you seen the new exchange student?

Guy: The Italian one?
Girl: Hella Ducati. I'd tap that.

👍29 👎15

DUCATI - what does it mean?

1. A motorbike, possibly the best in the world, other than Harley Davidson.

2. It's an italian word. It means 'Shit my pants on two wheels.'

Whoa man, did you see that!?


A ducati!


This chick flashed me.

Whoa man, we gotta get ourselves one of those.

The power of Ducatis and boobs.

👍63 👎69

DUCATI - meaning

Wicked awesome and then some.

That track DJ Swanse threw down was Ducati.

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DUCATI - definition

A great motorcycle manufacturer that is disliked by the majority of the biking community, simply because the majority of the people who buy them tend to only see them as status symbols.

"yo bill!, guess what bike Tom Cruise bought!"

Bill "let me guess, a Ducati, Mv Agusta or a Harly"

Me "how do you know?"

Bill "because there the most expensive"

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DUCATI - slang

A bike of pure engineering design simplicity.
Intended for racing & competition NOT for your everyday road riding puke.
It is designed to be regularly stripped serviced & inspected.
It is designed to be riden hard & often NOT left as a dust collecting Latte shelf.
A pig of a bike in unskilled hands, A class winner for REAL riders.

Desmodronic valve actuation - totally accurate control of valves.

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A beautiful motorcycle.

Trinity was riding a Ducati 996 in the matrix reloaded.

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Legends on wheels. Makers of the finest, fastest and sexiest two wheeled machines ever!

Have a look on

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A two wheeled money pit, sexy beyond words, enough to drive a normal person insane with lustful passion, and to empty any wallet. Universally despised by the larger motorcycle community that can't afford to own one.

Ducati bikes are practical, reliable, and affordable, and people never spend any money to customize them.... NOT!

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