Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DREK?

yiddish for "piece of shit"

i looked him in the eye and screamed "dbist a shtick drek!"

๐Ÿ‘69 ๐Ÿ‘Ž19

DREK - meme gif

DREK meme gif

DREK - video


DREK - what is it?

Old man with a sock fetish, however, does not fork out the big bucks for the show.

I don't want to grow up to be a drek.

๐Ÿ‘67 ๐Ÿ‘Ž107

What does "DREK" mean?

The upper part of the ass, which Is usually hit vertically from up to down. It hurts for the person being hit but it feels good for the hitters.

Owh look at johns drek! Lets hit that!

๐Ÿ‘25 ๐Ÿ‘Ž11

DREK - what does it mean?

Proizvod koji proizlazi obavljanjem velike nuลพde (kakanjem). Kada sjediomo na wc-u i istiskujemo sadrลพaj iz guze, taj sadrลพaj nazivamo drek.
Drek moลพe biti i vrsta blaลพe uvrede.
Sinonimi: govno, izmet, kakica

Istiskujem drek
Upravo sam obavila veliku nuลพdu, moj drek je bio jako mekan.
Ti si pravi drek!

๐Ÿ‘25 ๐Ÿ‘Ž11

DREK - meaning

Ono sto tri bolesne curice seru.

proljev,kakica,srafljenje,kada te stisce u trbuhu,kada se osjecas kuzno i bespomocno,e to je DREK!

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DREK - definition

Main villian from Ratchet and Clank 1.

Man Drek is hard as Hell without the RYNO.

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DREK - slang

Bullshit, derives from the Yiddish word meaning the same.

What kind of drek is this?

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a slovenian word for shit

To je drek. This is shit.

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Crap, rubbish, trash.

Comes from the German word Dreck meaning rubbish or dirt. So it may be used in Yiddish too, but it comes via German, and if it has been extended to mean shit this is not the original German meaning (or I wouldn't have learned it in German class!)

This is dreck.

Entschuldigung, die Dusche hier ist dreckig. Wird es nicht tรคglich gereinigt?

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means shit in Yiddish

Get that piece of drek away from me!

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