Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DOXING?

The practice of revealing another persons personal information on the Internet. It is often done as revenge by ex-lovers who post nude images of their former lover online.

When her ex-lover doxxed her on a porn website he was not really thinking of the fact that she was a minor at the time the pictures of them were taken in compromising positions. But he had a lot of time later to think about it in jail after her parents had charges brought against him for statutory rape, and distributing nude pictures of a minor. He was also reminded of it when he had to register as a sex offender. He should not have been so surprised when they posted images of his mugshot and tag line "convicted of rape and possession and distribution of child pornography" on all the sex offender and criminal websites.

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DOXING - meme gif

DOXING meme gif

DOXING - video


DOXING - what is it?

Doxxing, by way of "name-dropping," is document (doxx) dropping. It's publicly exposing someone's real name or address on the Internet who has taken pains to keep them secret. Also spelled "doxing."

"She calls herself 'Connie from Fat City' but someone outed her real identity and location as Karen last name from Palo Alto,' even giving street address, and put it all over the web."

"I hate that kind of doxxing. It's mean."

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What does "DOXING" mean?

Doxing is a technique of tracing someone or gather information about an individual using sources on the internet. Its name is derived from โ€œDocumentsโ€ or โ€œDocxโ€. Doxing method is based purely on the ability of the hacker to recognize valuable information about his target and use this information to his benefit. It is also based around the idea that, โ€œThe more you know about your target, the easier it will be to find his or her flawsโ€

Well yeah, he is saying he is doxing me and he talked about one of my youtube channels (he's never talked to me before)

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DOXING - what does it mean?

Personal information about people on the Internet, often including real name, known aliases, address, phone number, SSN, credit card number, etc.

"Someone dropped Bob's dox and the next day, ten pizzas and three tow trucks showed up at his house."

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DOXING - meaning

Using private information gleaned from the internet to attack someone with whom you disagree, often by publishing their person info, opening them to abuse and possibly, danger.

While many consider doxing to be unethical, there continues to be a segment of internet users who will do anything to attack someone they don't like, or disagree with on an issue.

After a Black Lives Matter protested at a Bernie Sanders rally, some of his supporters doxed the young woman, revealing that she had worn a Sarah Palin button once in high school, which they found deep in her facebook history.

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DOXING - definition

youโ€™re probably from tik tok after hearing that max dressler did this.

btw it means leaking someoneโ€™s personal info.

a: hey did you hear that max is cancelled?

b: yeah why?
a: i heard he doxed someone!

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DOXING - slang

Having your real personal information (e.g. name, address, phone number) discovered and revealed on the Internet, destroying anonymity

This pissed off so many people that the guy behind it was doxed, and will probably get what's coming to him

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someone who reveals personal information such as an email address, phone number or home address.

โ€œhey did you hear how max dressler doxxed that girl on tiktok??โ€

โ€œomg why would he do that??โ€
โ€œbecause heโ€™s a little b1tch DUHโ€
โ€œyo factsโ€

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when somebody leaks your personal information online

โ€œDid you hear that Max Dressler doxed this girl?โ€
โ€œOh yeah I heard of that lizard looking kid before. Heโ€™s a bitchโ€

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Giving away someoneโ€™s private information like a douche bag you are like max dressler from tiktok.

I got doxed by Mac and Cheese dressing and now his fanbase will hunt me down.

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