Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DJ khaled?

The goofiest motherfucker ever and is the biggest disgrace to the Palestinian community. Therefore we are passing him off to the israelis

DJ Khaled is my favorite palestinian celeb! bro stfu we don't claim him.

👍61 👎15

DJ khaled - video


DJ khaled - what is it?

Someone who always seems to be around but never actually does anything. A DJ Khaled will always be there to use you for his own needs, but when it comes time for him to help you out he is nowhere to be found. You'll know if you're hanging around a DJ Khaled, because he'll start saying things like "we the best" and "we takin' over" all while he really isn't the best at anything. DJ Khaled's often have no real skill, but instead profit off of others and "advise."

1. Tom: Isn't it funny how John is always tagging along with our group, sitting in our study sessions and eating, but he never actually does any work? He's always with us, asking for money, putting his name on all our group assignments, eating our food, but if there's a problem he'd be the last one to help out or offer up any solutions.
Bill: Yeah I know, John is a DJ Khaled.

Brad: Alright, now Sean, you write the song. Bill, you make the beat. Jim, you go get me some coffee. Josh, you shoot a video. Brian, you get Drake on the hook.
Sean: while we're doing all of this, what will you be doing Brad?
Brad: Oh, I'll be advising, making sure everything goes smooth and turns out right in the end. I need to make sure that we have the best possible product that we possibly can. See, I pride myself in being amazing, because we the best! I have the keys to success, and I have the best team who is going to take over all the ghettos around the world! You so smawt, you so loyal! Don't ever go against the hand that feeds you!
Josh: Brad, shut up you DJ Khaled! You just want to use us for your own personal gain without actually doing anything! Why should we be loyal to you? So you can make money off of us without actually having to do anything yourself? I don't think so!

👍475 👎81

What does "DJ khaled" mean?

Another one!

Can i have a dj khaled off your joint?

👍79 👎15

DJ khaled - what does it mean?

The act of not reciprocating after someone goes down on you.

Guy " I just spent 15 minutes muffing you and you won't return the favor, are you really going to Dj Khaled me like that?"

👍103 👎17

DJ khaled - meaning

One of the most annoying motherfuckers out there


nigga stfu you annoying

👍443 👎39

DJ khaled - definition

An idiot who just shouts his name over other people's music and makes all the money off it and dances like a douchebag in all the music videos

" DJ Khaled just made a new song"
"No he didnt he just said "WE DA BEST !!" over there song"

👍407 👎37

DJ khaled - slang

The man who runs snapchat with his stupidity. You may know him because of the gay piece of shits' voice in the back of every black song screaming "DEEEEE JAAAAAY KHALED", or "WEEEE DA BESTT". He eats a lot, makes shit music, and is fat.

A: Yo what're you saying for tonight g?
B: Nothing fam swing by and ill give you a sloppy ass blowjob
A: WTF chill you DJ khaled

👍67 👎55

DJ khaled

A middle eastern DJ of Palestinian descent.One of the fat members of Terror Squad, He is also Fat Joe's bitch. whatever DJ Khaled does, Fat Joe is always trying to take his spot infront of the camera.He is also known for barely saying anything in his songs, such as "We takin over".
He is also known for saying only "Lissteeeennn" in his songs.

Dude 1: Yo man you check out dat nigga DJ khaled in "we takin over".
Dude 2: He aint Black dipshit he middle eastern.
Dude 1: Daaayum! didnt know he was a terrorist!
Dude 2:*Sigh* Your a fucking dumbass.

👍1075 👎551

DJ khaled

The ultimate self promoter. He makes good beats but barely says anything in his songs. He always wants you to listen, but does not have alot to say. Anywhere you see him, either on tv or on a truck or billboard he will be sayin- buy my album.

Dj Khaled: Lisssttennnn
Me: im listening
Dj Khaled: We da best!

👍2263 👎741

DJ khaled

Fat fuck

My penis is dj khaled size

👍25 👎13