Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DGL?

"Definitely gonna lie"; a parody of the acronym "NGL" - "not gonna lie".

To be used for conveying the humourous message of NGL while meaning the opposite in a snide manner.

"The had us in the first half, DGL."
"Do you mean NGL, standing for "not gonna lie"?"
"DGL, yeah yeah, sure sure; I meant what you just said."
"So can you please change the first letter of the word to N, so it would be easier to understand?"
"That would surely happen, DGL"

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DGL - meme gif

DGL meme gif

DGL - video


DGL - what is it?

The abbreviation for Dystopia Global League, the first world championship of the HL2 mod "Dystopia".

This clan has recently joined the DGL.

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What does "DGL" mean?

Different gender loving.

Rachel: The word heterosexual sounds so clinical when describing my sexual orientation. I need a word that's not so, you know...bookish.

Pookie: about DGL! The flip side to SGL.

Rachel: I get it; Different Gender Loving! Cool. I'll use it. Thanks!

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DGL - what does it mean?

abbreviation of "don't get lippy", which means don't talkback or insult me.

"um hey... I heard you're a bit of a faggot"


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DGL - meaning

Dirty Girls for Life

In the MTV show, Rob & Big, Rob says he is DGL, because he only attracts dirty girls.

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DGL - definition

Dirty Girls for Life

when you always pick the dirty ones, your in the DGL club.

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DGL - slang

Dirty girls for life. Every girl you ever had was one, every girl you ever have will be one.

It's a gift and a curse.

Rob: I can't find a good girl. I'm DGL.
Big: DGL?
Rob: Dirty girls for life.

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