Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DELTE?

1. A member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. Like many sororities, the reputation of the particular Delta Delta Delta chapter varies depending on the college or university to which the chapter belongs. Generally sorority girls are thought to be wealthy, priviledged and snobbish, but that too varies with the individual.

The use of the word Tri-Delt can be either complimentary or derogatory, depending on the intent and outlook of the user.

Man, check out that hot tri-delt !

Can you believe how snotty that tridelt treated me! You'd think she was god's gift to men!

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DELTE - meme gif

DELTE meme gif

DELTE - video


DELTE - what is it?

A Texas Delt is a fraternity member at the University of Texas who is viable to getting drunk and/or stoned every single night and then proceeding to make questionable decisions; they are the coolest of the cool.

Joe - "Hey man, im a freshman at UT, do you know any cool guys?"

Brock - "Yeah there's only a few guys that are cool here, and they are the Texas Delts."

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What does "DELTE" mean?

a dirty hoe that seems to never leave the delt house.

Hey Tanoos u fuck another delt rat last night? That bitch was a fucking whale

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DELTE - what does it mean?

The act of annihilating an object or person with one's deltoid muscles.

Make haste! Lest ye be subject to mine delt smash!

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DELTE - meaning

One of the Best Fraternity's in the country. Known as Phi Delta Theta.

Man those Phi Delt's Threw a great party last night

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DELTE - definition

The act of Baconing it up.

I delted Moon good.

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DELTE - slang

To voluntarily ostracize oneself from others, to neuter or castrate oneself. Subject often recieves sexual gratification from the act.

Johnny wished to delte himself from the board.

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delt/delted (verb) derived from delete(verb-remove or obliterate text)

The action used in real life context when attempting to block or delete trolls of the highest order.

" Barry was being a douche bag troll so i delted him from skype and twitter"

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When you take something that exists on the internet, print it out using a 3D printer, and then, using copious amounts of lubrication, insert it in your rectum.

"Dude, I just delted your mom on facebook."

"Oh god, that's disgusting, Kevin."

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(n.) muscle group- the deltoids

workin' out my delts.

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