Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DAWK?

When you ruin a game by showing off. Punting a football over a building, or breaking the basketball rim. Named after Darryl Dawkins, the first man to shatter the backboard in a NBA game, therefore ruining the game.

Don't punt that ball just give it back Derrick, don't D-Dawk tha game! I can't play with that dude he D-Dawks too much!

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DAWK - meme gif

DAWK meme gif

DAWK - video


DAWK - what is it?

To make an appearance of effort despite the work already being done by others. Generally, the attempt is made at the very end when the visibility is highest.
The term is in reference to professional football player Brian Dawkins who early in his career was a Pro Bowl caliber player but in later years would jump into tackle piles after the play had already been made.

Tim: Did you see when Brendan B-Dawk'ed at the end of the meeting despite the fact that he slept through almost all of it?
Brian: You mean when he asked that question at the very end like he was interested in what the manager had been saying?
Tim: Exactly.
Brian: Yea, the manager seemed really please with him and asked him to stay afterwards to talk some more.
Time: Yea, he B-Dawk'ed it good.

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What does "DAWK" mean?

Dick Mohawk

Omg I’ve never been with a man who has such a nice dawk.

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DAWK - what does it mean?

1. Someone of Melbourne Western Suburbian Decent,
2. Dawk is accented in the bogan australian language for 'dog' because dawks lack the ability to call someone a dog due to their convict like heritage

eg: "I'll smash the dawk, fuckin cunt stole my socks"

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DAWK - meaning

To be dank, awesome, weird, and kool all at the same time. adj.

"Shit man that kids dawk."
"Those pants sure are dawk"
"I'm not dawk enough to hang with them"

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DAWK - definition

An alternative of "dawg", commonly used to make fun of someone's misspelling of "dawg."

"Hey, what's up, dawk!"

"That's kind of a short ass dick, dawk"

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DAWK - slang

the sexual act of 2 guys jackin each other off with no hands. one uncircumcised guy puts his forskin over the head of an circumcised guys cock than motion back and forth, hence jackin each other off with out hands

gay guy 1: dude we got to hold hands since we were dawking last nite

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Verb, transitive.

Other uses: to dawk, dawking, dawken

1. To cause a complete destruction of a good thing by doing something completely absurd.
2. To wreck a fantasy sports team through utter stupidity or foolhardly boasts.
3. To commit any egregious error which causes you to be the butt of all jokes, inspired by our friend Corey.

1. "I completely dawked my relationship with Amanda. She was smart, funny, loved sports, but I guess she wasn't into fucking me in the ass."

2. "I'll trade Adam Dunn and Johnny Damon for Pedro. How can I lose; and you guys are all screwed, Carlos Lee doesn't tank in the second half."
"Dude, he just dawked his team."

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A word Vietnamese-Americans use to address their brothers, homies, and homegirls. The word originated in the early 2000s by Vietnamese immigrants mispronouncing β€œWhats up dog?” with β€œsup dawk”.

β€œHey dawk, we gonna go gamble and drink coffee.”
β€œDu ma, you need to chill dawk.”
β€œSup dawk, you have any roll?”

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Diary of A Wimpy Kid

I love DAWK fanfiction

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