Definder - what does the word mean?

What is D-Style?

diarrhea specifically, but can mean any type of fecal excrement.

"After Chinese food I have to take a d style"
number 2, poop, diarrhea, shit, dookie

👍27 👎43

D-Style - meme gif

D-Style meme gif

D-Style - video


D-Style - what is it?

Solo masturbation where you follow these steps

-Put your legs in the air
-Lay your head back
-Jack on you dick
-Rub on your sack

Craig the face stomper sampson tried to do it Jonny D Style and hurt his back before the big fight.

👍121 👎17

What does "D-Style" mean?

The playing style in "Gunz the duel" that relies on a dagger to kill opponents.

My friend taught me d-style and I learned how to yo-yo and own some nooblets.

👍47 👎23

D-Style - what does it mean?

1) A bowel movement of the wet and sloppy variety (i.e. diarrhea-style)

2) Any kind of bowel movement (i.e. dookie-style, dump-style, droppin-a-duce-style)

3) A nickname for a summer history intern (i.e. David Rosen)

"That catfish gave me some serious D-style!"

"Hey, D-style is wearing a cool seersucker jacket!"

👍53 👎23