Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cuomoed?

Don’t you dare say it without the o’s

Cuomo- without the o’s it’s

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Cuomoed - meme gif

Cuomoed meme gif

Cuomoed - video


Cuomoed - what is it?

To push against or kiss/sniff without consent

Andrew was a party when walked up to Beth and cuomo’d her

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What does "Cuomoed" mean?

This phrase is often employed when one accidentally touches someone inappropriately, say while brushing against a coworkers bosom while squeezing past in a crowded elevator, and is used to convey that the inappropriate touch was unintentional.

One should take care that this phrase is not mistaken for "No, Cuomo," which roughly translates to "Please pardon my predatory and inappropriate behavior, for I am of Italian descent and don't know any better."

"I meant to reach for the cellphone in my back pocket but accidentally touched Jim's crotch, so I said 'no cuomo' to let him know it was an accident."

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Cuomoed - what does it mean?

Nothing sexual implied by the statement beforehand.

I think that is a very nice outfit Jessica; no Cuomo

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Cuomoed - meaning

An Italian word that describes a man who enjoys violently getting pounded in the ass by cocks, often simultaneously.

Can also be used to describe someone who is in a position for which he is utterly unsuited.

See that guy in the leather chaps and the pink tutu? He's a real Cuomo.

I had to stay late every night last week because the boss hired a real Cuomo, and now I have to unfuck everything he did.

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Cuomoed - definition

Adjective, personal: possessing an overbearing and thuggish demeanor, as well as generally making catastrophically bad decisions.

Derivation: taken from the name of New York's Governor Anthony Cuomo, who caused the deaths of tens of thousands of New Yorkers with "emergency actions" which compromised the most vulnerable population in the state, then threatened constituents into hiding the true death toll, and its cause.

You got a nice setup here, but your boss is a bit Cuomo. I think I'm gonna take a Cruz.

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Cuomoed - slang

Verb. To kill the elderly by intentionally endangering their lives and safety.

Cuomoing, Cuomoed.

The governor of Pennsylvania is also suspected of Cuomoing the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now leader should ever Cuomo the elderly again.

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To engage in unwanted sexual advances

That creep totally cuomo’ed his secretary when he kissed her on the lips.

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A Deuce, #2, Crap, dropping the kids off at the pool

Last night I had Mexican food and many beers and this morning after I had two cups of Joe and a walk I made a giant Cuomo

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(Verb): To force communism on people, under the premise of it being "for the common good" and that "it's to save Grandma." Named after New York governor Andrew Cuomo.

Nancy Pelosi wants to cuomo this country.

The democrats really cuomoed with the virus.

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