Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cum and Go?

When you hook up with a girl cum on her face and leave really fast

Can I just Cum N Go after we leave the bar cause I have to work in the morning

👍25 👎11

Cum and Go - video


Cum and Go - what is it?

when you ejactulate on her face. you go hide while she cleans out her eyes. then she comes and finds you.

hey baby. lets cum and go seek.

Purely for male entertainment this game is all about the thrill of the chase. The guy cums on her face and while she is temporarily blinded you (the male) go and hide. Upon regaining sight she comes and finds you. what happens after that... we don't know.

(him) o my god baby I'm bout to cum.
(her) yes yes i want to cum for me
(him) ok baby i gonto cum on your face.
(her) o my god i can't see anything.
(him) Cum and go seek baby.

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What does "Cum and Go" mean?

When you are having sex very quickly because there is something else you need to be doing. Once you ejaculate a little bit, you leave.

Let's cum and go. I have to be somewhere.

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Cum and Go - what does it mean?

the act of ding-dong ditching a house while masturbating, cuming on them, and casually walking away.

Jonny just just did a cum and go to the mayor!

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Cum and Go - meaning

When you are invited into a persons bed for some sexual adventures and after you cum you go. This can also be used as a pick-up line when your intentions are to only have sex.

"I pulled a cum-and-go with that ho." or "I made him cum-and-go."

Pick-up line version: "Hello. You're hot! Would you like to cum-and-go?"

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Cum and Go - definition

driving up to someone cumming on them and driving a way

Tyler did a cum and go in the ghetto

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Cum and Go - slang

When you are having sexual activity with your partner - and you're running late for something, so once you've ejaculated, you quickly leave, so you can get to where you need to be.

"I was running late for the board meeting yesterday, but Mandy really wanted it, so I fucked her from behind, squirted my load all over her ass then quickly left"
"You mean you had to cum and go?"
"Yeah - exactly"

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Cum and Go

ejaculating and defecating

After taking his viagra with prune juice, Theo spent the night cumming and going.

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Cum and Go

when a douchebag leaves his pregnant girlfriend/wife, specifically shortly after finding out she is pregnant. this act is one of the reasons why men do not deserve rights. if you do this youre gay.

"dude, whyd you break up with sally"
"ugh, shes pregnant, gross"
"ahh, the good ol' cum and go"
"wanna have fuck now, ryan?"
"hell yeah jake"

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Cum and Go

A Short and simplified way to say Evacuate And Ejacuate

When You come inside but you gotta cum and go

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