Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Conjunctivitis?

The #1 popular song in Schoolhouse Rock, where the main character is a conductor with a chef's hat that looks more like a pee pee. He teaches viewers about conjunctions (or cuntfucktions?) and humps train cars for a living.

Conjunction Junction, what's your function? Hooking up words and phrases and clauses...

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Conjunctivitis - meme gif

Conjunctivitis meme gif

Conjunctivitis - video


Conjunctivitis - what is it?

The process through which, Americans abuse their language, and generate words through random conjunctions. Usually redneck in origin, these words eventually become acceptable in society as a whole.

I.E. Ya'll/y'all; as in y'all come back now ya' hear?
you'ins see y'all.
fixinta; as in fixinta go put my gun away.
gosinda; as in 2 gosinda 4 twice.

By god if american conjunctivitis won't be the death of the English language...

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What does "Conjunctivitis" mean?

it is when a people (s) is in a public area and completely surrounded by people of spanish decent, only speaking spanish.

last night i was at a club and there were like thousandes of spanish people it felt like i was in a spanish conjunction

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Conjunctivitis - what does it mean?

1. Some crazy guy on the Internet that's been around for awhile. Used to post at guestbooks regularly now has profiles on different sites. JTV being one.
2. Combo of three things: A conjunction, conjunctivitis, and St. Vitus' Dance.
No real reason for the combo except it sounded cool

Man, Conjunction Vitus sure was typeative the other day.
Yep, that sounds like him!

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Conjunctivitis - meaning

A word or phrase that links a dependent clause to an independent clause. This word or phrase indicates that a clause has informative value to add to the sentence's main idea, signaling a cause-and-effect relationship or a shift in time and place between the two clauses.

Some common subordinating conjunctions include...although, while, when, whenever, where, wherever, before, and after.

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Conjunctivitis - definition

taking a sick day from work in conjunction with the weekend.

Billy called in sick Monday. I think he had "conjunctivitis".

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Conjunctivitis - slang

Pink eye. It is an infection in the eye that's really contagious, ugly, and gross.

Not exactly a slang word, but it definitely sounds cooler than saying "pink eye."

Also, while this is not a sexually transmitted disease, if you have sex with someone with conjunctivitis, you will probably get conjunctivitis.

"Let's do it"
"Can't... I have conjunctivitis"

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Somethning that joins/connects or a simultaneous occurrence of events.
Sometimes it means a union,a combination of elements.

I, M.Verver, am a remarkable conjunction of various talents.

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Justin biebers eye

When your eye swells like biebers you will have conjunctivitis

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Pink eye, something you get from burying your face in a strippers ass.

"Aw dude, I got conjunctivitis"

"That's what you get when you put a stripper's butt on your face"

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