Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Come On Man?

said by cool people who have a lot of minor inconveniences in there life 😘

*drops phone* come on man aka come on maaaaaam

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Come On Man - video


Come On Man - what is it?

Blatently obvious. If a fat person tries to sneak round a corner they will be seen, as their belly will protrude first and give them away. Hence if something can be seen a mile off, or is really obvious, it can be 'seen coming like a fat man round the corner'

Phil: 'Hey, did you hear Janice was fired?'
Butch: 'Yeah, I saw that coming like a fat man round the corner!"

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What does "Come On Man" mean?

based off phrases from not only South Park but Spaceballs as well.

I mean, come on man. You fell for the oldest trick in the book. I can not believe you!

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Come On Man - what does it mean?

Something bullshit politicians say when they are trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

A fuck job, a ripoff

Hey Joe are you going to make America great again?
Ahhhh come on man, you know the thing.

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Come On Man - meaning

Phrase used repeatedly to annoy and mock your friends during an interview

Suho: come on man!

Baekhyun: yEaHh Big DeaAl! CoMe Onn MaN !! COmE OnN!!

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Come On Man - definition

Quote from the father of the ultimate big dicked chad, Hunter Biden who smokes crack while getting footjobs!

Trump : *Tells random lies*

"Come on, Man!"

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Come On Man - slang

A term used to encourage or discourage someone. Typically used by young black men and obnoxious white bitches.

"Really... Come on man!"

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Come On Man

Used to act incredulous and deflect blame when you're called out for being corrupt, an asshole and a liar.

Hey Joe, there's actually a video tape of you admitting to blackmailing the Ukrainians.
O come on man, that has been totally debunked. my homies already said it didn't happen.

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Come On Man

What you say when someone says or does something stupid.
Originally seen on Football Night in America.

Can be elongated or stretched out if quote/action is incredibly stupid. i.e. cooommmme oooonnnn, mmaaaaannnnn.

Tim: "Do you think that coke machine accepts pennies?"
Me: "Come On, Man."

Jeff: *playing basketball, shoots an airball when his teammates were open.
Teammates: "Come On, Man!"

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Come On Man

The phrase Joe Biden uses when his opponent says something he has no logical counter to, in an attempt to discredit them without having to actually be able to form a cogent thought.

Come On, Man! - Why The Hell Would I Take a Test?!

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