Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Colla?

the sweaty yellow residue found on or around the collar area of someones shirt,usually emmitted from someone who sweats profuselly

your momma popped her collar at me and i had to slow down before i decided to jet an be swaze

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Colla - meme gif

Colla meme gif

Colla - video


Colla - what is it?

A Willy Wonka Colla Poppa is the moment when you're finishing in a girls face, and you take a shit on their neck.
Then choking them until they clean your anus, with their tongue.

it's either they do it, or DIE.

bitch you better like it, that's right! lick it! WILLY WONKA COLLA POPPA


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What does "Colla" mean?

Originating in the 16th century Medieval England it means that currently I am looking good. Today it means something like "I puts the impin' in the pimpin'".

Sakespeare: "I pops thine colla'!"
Peasent: "That you do sire,"

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Colla - what does it mean?

When a rich/caucasian/douchebag tries to be gansta. Usually yelled when one of the above exhibits a preppy polo with a popped collar.

Omg! Did you see Mike today? BOLLA SHOT COLLA! Ahaha what a dork!

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Colla - meaning

When you pull off a successful maneuver. It doesn't matter what the maneuver is relevant to as long as you succeed.

Dunk on someone on the court: "Yo, you just got pop a colla!"

Go home with a lady at the end of the night, the next day you may say something like this: "Yeah son, I went home with that bitty and I pop a colla! ya heard!

Find a dollar bill on the side walk you might say: "Oh snap, pop a colla!"

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Colla - definition

to flick your collar in a fashionable way

Save a cherry, pop a collar.

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Colla - slang

popping your collar as a sign of greeting, made famous by an underground rap group from the 904

Daaamn Shanaynay be lookin fine, I'm gonna holla colla that hoe

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(n) slang for "collar", especially when a douche bag employs an upright position of said collar. Thus, the "colla" is popped.

Look at that douchebag in the pink shirt with a popped colla

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Verb - to steal something belonging to someone else or something to which another person has laid claim to.
synonyms: to swoop

Dude, sick office! You totally colla'd that big time.

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A bolivian known for being noob at DotA and being a fervish believer of Evo Morales.

A: Lol that Anti-mage bought Blink Dagger
B: Yea, pretty sure he's a colla.

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