Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Willy Wonka?

the act of a male putting a delicious candy (skittles) up a girls anal cavity. After the packing process is complete, the girl then forces the rainbow shower out of her ass into the guys mouth.

Hey blake, your mom and bobby g's mom came over and gave me a willie wonka last night.

Oh really how'd that go for you

It was an experience of a life time....TASTE THE RAINBOW!!

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A Willy Wonka - video


A Willy Wonka - what is it?

looking a mess but feeling happy

Look at Megan, looking all Willy Wonka-ish.

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What does "A Willy Wonka" mean?

When a 5 star Luxury hotel puts a candy bar up your butt and give you a reach around

I went to Las Vegas and stayed at the Palazzo and I got a Willy Wonka in my room from the room attendant

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A Willy Wonka - what does it mean?

Someone who should be kept locked up and far from society.

"Get Willy Wonka away from my children"

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A Willy Wonka - meaning

The guy who will make your girl cream filled.

Willy Wonka inserted his willy and filled my girl with hot cream!

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A Willy Wonka - definition

A personality in a Wonderful movie that has nothing to sexually do with anything.

also he rocks.

Willy Wonka's Candy factory is the shit.

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A Willy Wonka - slang

verb; paying 5 or more midgets, or smaller people, to be covered in chocolate ( preferable hershys ), while they gangbang an unsuspecting friend.

I finally got back at mary, i gave her the good old The Willy Wonka, and caught it all on tape.
Damned bitch never saw it coming.

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A Willy Wonka

daddy issues.

that's it.

They really made willy wonka the definition of "daddy issues"

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A Willy Wonka

He is so freaking hot and sexy. Especially with the β€œyou see me winding and grinding up on that pole” song. His jaw line is insane and when he calls you a ✨bad nut ✨ it will make you drool.

Willy wonka is sexy af

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A Willy Wonka

Willy Wonka is feared and respected amongst all. Anybody who goes by the name of Willy Wonka… just know he’s not to be played around with. Disrespecting Willy Wonka is like disrespecting Kobe Bryant in basketball. If you do Willy Wonka wrong, he’ll do you worse. WILLY FUCKIN WONKA ‼️

OPP 1 : Who’s next?

OPP 2 : Willy Wonka

OPP 1 : Alright, let’s go

OPP 2 : Are you dumb! We can’t go

OPP 1 : Why not?

OPP 2: Because he’s the one and only… Willy Wonka

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