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What is Coconut Smoothie?

When a person (usually a man) busts a nut and urinates at the same time creating a smoothie like consistency.

Carl: "Damnit Jim I'm about to BUST!"
Jim: "What flavor will it be this time?"
Carl: "It's going to be a Coconut Lemonade Smoothie!"

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Coconut Smoothie - video


Coconut Smoothie - what is it?

When a male masturbates to much to the point where either a blood vessel pops or some vein in the testicles over inflamed and so then when the male ejaculates his cum is mixed with blood. When this happens there is but no to little pain in the scrotum.

I've been jerking off for two years straight and almost everynight and one night I had a Strwberry Coconut Smoothie... Or I jerked off six times in one day and I cumed a Strawberry Coconut Smoothie.

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What does "Coconut Smoothie" mean?

The act of placing cocaine on a penis and as the male ejaculates, the recipient orally injests the semen-cocaine mixture.

He gave me a coconut smoothie after we came back from the rave.

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