Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cock head?

The people that decided what gets put on urban dictionary, yeah you reading this! Also please tell me exactly why this can't be put in the dictionary minus this sentence!

Every time I try to submit a word it gets rejected by some stupid cock head!

👍25 👎11

Cock head - video


Cock head - what is it?

Howard Cheng

"Boy that person drinks baileys like any cock nugget wank head"

👍45 👎37

What does "Cock head" mean?

A flaming homosexual that munches on cock.

Zac efron is a two-headed cock muncher.

👍63 👎25

Cock head - what does it mean?

The shaft of a mans penis is solid like a shaft of steel, but the head of it is soft like a ripe satsuma. Making it bobble about like a bobble head for your car.

"Hi Chantel how did your date with Ian go?". "It was all going great till we went back to his and he pulled out his bobble head cock!"

👍37 👎15

Cock head - meaning

When not just being a cock is enough, you become the head cock. Still one step under the Grand Master Cock Dragon.

Showing enough cock like behavior to promote you from being just a cock to the Head Cock.

Monkey: Dude get out of my way or I am going to shoot you with my sniper rifle.
Soupy: Man wait a second I am trying to pick up this ammo bo...(splat!!!)
Respawn soupy: Man fuck you you cock.... No your not just a cock your the Head Cock!!!
Monkey: I warned you.

👍37 👎23

Cock head - definition

a person who is just disrespectful and doesnt care about his friends

Hey, Anthony! Hey tomas, your, anthony is a real cock head cunt muffin

👍33 👎15

Cock head - slang

someone like nesbite who is a dick licking fanny rasher who is a cockless wankstain

karl nesbite look at him lol

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