Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cock Buster?

Put your dick in a MTT branded *Rocket Thruster* While waiting for your grandma to bang your sister. Once the timer finished, Break open the door and scream Rocket Thruster Cock Buster! (copyright MTT) After this get your prepared thermo nuclear rocket, and remove the wire.

Hey bro, have you used the Rocket Thruster Cock buster 3000 before?
What the fuck Gary

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Cock Buster - video


Cock Buster - what is it?

a random gay (wanktard) who likes bumming shit up and is a bit of a dickhead

A guy is in your dorm in cornwall who stares at your hairy nutsack this is a gypsy cock sucking anal buster

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What does "Cock Buster" mean?

A person who busts other people cocks normally a overweight woman on a cock

"Bro that girl is a cock buster she busted Jarred's cock"

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Cock Buster - what does it mean?

This is when a man cums so hard having a wank that the sperm comes out so hard, the the bellend pops off the scrotal zone.

My girlfriend tossed me off and I got so exited, I ended up having a Cock Buster. My girlfriend wansnt very pleased with my bellend popping into her nostril.

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