Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cock Bag?

An expensive alternative to a latex condom which is commonly made out of lamb or lambskin. Men usually loathe having sex with them as it feels like their penis is wrapped in a leather bomber jacket.

"I just found out that my girlfriend is allergic to latex. I really hope that I can find wholesale Leather Cock Bags online. I think that I'm going to go broke at $5 a bang."

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Cock Bag - video


Cock Bag - what is it?

The idea of placing ones penis in a bag then removing all air from the bag, causing the penis to swell.

I was at a party last night and Sir Doby Showed everyone this thing called cock bagging! He was tiny!

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What does "Cock Bag" mean?

a person who is so big a dick, they have to be pluralized and contained in a bag.

Bono is a prime example of a cock bag

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Cock Bag - what does it mean?

Cock Bag
This word can be used in many forms. 1. It is mostly associated with the sack containing the two testicles.

2. To make fun of someone with a very low IQ or stupid action that they just performed.

1. Paula loves to play with my cock bag.

2. After Jerry threw his club at his son TW called out, " You stupid Cock Bag!!!"

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Cock Bag - meaning

A bag inside of a store baught chicken containing its genetalia

John is such a flaming cock bag.

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Cock Bag - definition

Someone who is such a big dick, they have gone beyond the level of douche bag.

Johannes is a giant Cock Bag.

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Cock Bag - slang

n. Condom. Used to physically block semen ejaculated during intercourse. Prevents worthless people from reproducing and protects the rest of us from sexually transmitted diseases.

I'd never stick it in that whore... without a cock bag!!! Yay for latex!

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Cock Bag

Taking it to a level above Douche Bag. It doesnt get much worse than that. It is tough for a definition because it is Very Self-Explanatory!!!

My Boss came down on me hard today, he is such a Cock Bag!!!

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Cock Bag

A statement describing the uselessness of a certain individual

"Brett sucks at Madden so bad he's just a big cock bag!" Tim complained at work.

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Cock Bag

This word can be used in many forms. 1. It is mostly associated with the sack containing the two testicles.
2. To make fun of someone with a very low IQ or stupid action that they just performed.

1. Mary loves to play with my cock bag.
2. After Jerry dropped the box, Jay called out, " You stupid Cock Bag!!!"

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