Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Clopping?

When bronies fap to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

TheFourteenthNumber spent thier money everyday clopping to My Little Pony

👍1739 👎421

Clopping - meme gif

Clopping meme gif

Clopping - video


Clopping - what is it?

To masturbate. Often used by bronies.

Brony 1: Dude, I just caught George clopping to Fluttershy!
Brony 2: Fluttershy?! Man, that's just wrong!

👍2703 👎567

What does "Clopping" mean?

Like fap fap, except when it's done by bronies (adult male fans of the kids show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic") while watching My Little Pony porn.

Brony 1: Hey dude, what took you so long?

Brony 2: Oh, um, well I saw some pretty hot Fluttershy drawings online, so, you know, clop clop. ;D

Brony 1: D:

👍363 👎129

Clopping - what does it mean?

The sound made when a pony masturbates.

"Last night I heard a strange sound coming from the other room."
"What did it sound like."
"Clop clop clop."

👍79 👎21

Clopping - meaning

An horrible sexual fetish involving mlp. Usually combined with other inhuman perversions like futanari, furry, rule34 or bestiality. A common perversion for bronies, even if they vehemently deny that. Examples can be found in r/clopping, in the Rule34 site or in the Fluffybooru site. Threads involving clopping are immediately deleted by the mods of the site that cannot be named ( Rule 1 ). If you find yourself attracted by clopping, please report to the nearest Arbiter station for immediate execution.

Brony: I am into clopping, but it is just an harmless kink
Sane human being: *Revs a chainsword and guts the brony alive.
Brony: SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE! Celestia help meeeeeeeeeee!
Sane human being: May the Emperor have mercy for you, because I won't.

👍125 👎111

Clopping - definition

When someone named Tim watches my little pony hentai

"Tim was out clopping last night"

👍77 👎27

Clopping - slang

The term for masturbation used by bronies.

<Brony> "I was Clopping all last night in my living room and played really loud music and ate all the food in the house since my parents were not home"

<Average guy> "Whats clopping"


👍987 👎343


Ejaculating to My Little Pony

Rainbow dash is clearly the most Clopable pony

*Clopping sound*

👍351 👎101


When a bronie is masterbating to Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash going full lez on PonyHub in his moms basement at 4am.

Twilight Sparkle: "Spank me harder Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow Dash: *whip* *whip*

Bronie : "This is good clopping material

Bronie: *clop* *clop* *clop*

👍615 👎121


Masturbating to my little pony porn

'' come on lewis you fat nerd stop clopping and go to bed ''

👍479 👎85